• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

First Time You Ever Toked?


Active Member
I had just turned 16. I went over to a friends house and he asked if I ever got high. I said no, so we climbed out on the second story balcony, through the window, and smoked on his roof. My friend said that some people don't get high the first time, and he wanted to make sure I felt it. So we stayed up there for over an hour smoking joint after joint.

When we came inside i felt so...groovy. lol He was sleepy and told me to crash on the floor whenever I felt like it. So, being a die-hard ghostbusters fan, I put on a vhs (this was before dvd's) of The Real Ghostbusters.

Well, I wasn't paying attention to myself, but apparently I was humming all the different music in the cartoon. Sp I thought Matt was asleep, but after about 10 min all I heard was chuckaling from him. I only get to talk to him every few years now, but we always share that story taking turns telling it to people.


good times :)


Active Member
16 years old...bunch of private school boys my house in the Excelsior district San Fran Ca... Cypress Hill playing in the background "I want to get high...so high"...my best friend at the time "lowride" called him lowride cause his eyes would drop real low when he smoked and he was a cool kat......We smoked.... I didnt feel shit (or so i thougth) said fuck this........ didnt smoke again till I was about 18.... What a waste...been going strong ever since...im 30....What a fantastic ride its been since Maria Juanita came back into my life....
Was 14 at school a friend asked me at lunch to go to his house and try weed and I always wanted to so I went to his house smoked 3 joints and a couple hookah bowls was so fucking cheeched and the first time either your brain tells you that your higher than you are or not high at all but I was affected by the first man soooo fucking baked I couldnt stop laughing even all the way through spanish

Haha.. the first time i toked i was 16 and i took my aunts weed outta her tin in her dresser because we was curiouse as hell to see what it did. and me and my cousin didnt know were we could smoke it so we walked to my grand parents house asked to use there car and drove it to the park and smoked. then we sat for 10 minuts in the car before we relized we were high as hell. then we went back to drop the car back off and locked the keys in it accidentally. we had to go tell our grandpa and he had to break into his car and when he did, we knew he could smell it but luckly he never said anything but we knew that he knew. ever since then. i get blazed every day when ever possible!!!

bong hoger

Well-Known Member
I was 12 my best friends brother is a rasta so my friend stole some dank! northern lights about 4 grams.
we did not no what to use so we took a about 1 inch wide with some tinfoil and poked hole`s in the tinfoil and stack about 2 grams in each. we did not have a lighter so we use`d a glass burner! like a mini fucking flame flower and took about 2 hits on 2 grams and it was dun and so was my lungs! we went mad and I just saw every thing in slow motion like a movie thats freezing then plays then freezing then plays. omw it was nearly as nice as sex!


Back about 4 years ago in my buddies backyard. Was totally against it at first but after smoking a j with him I ended up skipping down the street yelling legalize marijuana and having a helluva good time


Active Member
When? :weed:
Where? bongsmilie
What was it like? :bigjoint:
What'd you smoke out of? :leaf:

i cut class in my freshman year of high school and went to go hang out downtown (where everyone from my hs went when they cut)...i sat at this park in the middle of downtown with some friends and a couple people i didnt know all that well...

a senior that went there pulled out a metal homemade pipe (with the pieces made from pipes at homedepot lol) and offered me a free smoke. he smoked 2 bowls with me and i was pretty fucked up...

i proceeded to smoke cig after cig (to calm myself as i was blazed) and ate hella fries...like i literally went to burger joints and asked strictly for fries! idk why but i use to love fries when im high...idk y....especially dipped in ranch and bbq sauce! omg!


Active Member
Back about 4 years ago in my buddies backyard. Was totally against it at first but after smoking a j with him I ended up skipping down the street yelling legalize marijuana and having a helluva good time
oh ok...:-?

First time I was in grade 6, some huge field. We took about a G from these older guys we knew, emptied a cigarette and took off the filter. I ended up finishing over half of it cause the other kid puss'd out. Went to some restaurant and got 100 wings. Was a good day:weed:

Dan Halen

Active Member
I was 19. It was a typical Thursday night here, which meant absolutely freaking nothing was going on. We had seen every movie at the local theater, and were tired of playing stupid video games. My friend shows up at my house. We step out for a cig, and he says he got more weed from a guy he worked with. He wants to smoke it. I really don't want to. At that time I just kept thinking about all the lies they teach you. Finally, things got so damn boring, I agreed to smoke with him. I suggest we go to his apartment to smoke it seeing as at the time, I lived with my mom and didn't want her to smell it. We hit the Taco Bell, and head back to his apartment. He used a cig roller to roll a decent sized joint and an average sized one. We opened all the windows, put fans blowing in and out, and sat down on the floor. At the time, he was a novice smoker, who had probably smoked 3 times before I did.So after smoking both joints, I, high outta my mind got to thinking about the O'Dool's syndrome, (basically, if you give it to a high school freshman, who doesn't know O'Dool's is near beer, he will act drunk after drinking a few, even though he's completely sober), and was wondering if that was happening to us. So, I try to explain this to my friend while we're completely stoned, using the example of the Matrix, and the part about knowing what chicken tastes like. So then he asks, "Dude, what does Chicken taste like?". We laugh into the early morning hours.


Active Member
When? When I was thirteen

Where? In an associates room

What was it like? Very visual, I was tripping. Very echoing sounds etc.

What'd you smoke out of? a Bucket


Well-Known Member
Im glad i remember my first time.... I was 13 and my friend was staying over at my house for the night...
He asked me if I wanted to walk to 7-11 and get a slurpee and it was mid-summer so I was down.... we started walking and there was this big tree that you could like go inside and you were hidden by the branches and you could sit and what not..... He was like come in here and I was like wtf?

He pulled out a wooden pipe that he made and packed a few bowls and we smoked it... I remember by the 3rd bowl it started to taste woody (I think we were smoking the actual pipe as well)... we proceeded to start walking to 7-11 which was through a huge field and I remember starting to walk... and then we decided to run... and I remember being so high as fuck just running through a field towards 7-11... bought a shitload of munchies and dont remember anything after that


Active Member
Im glad i remember my first time.... I was 13 and my friend was staying over at my house for the night...
He asked me if I wanted to walk to 7-11 and get a slurpee and it was mid-summer so I was down.... we started walking and there was this big tree that you could like go inside and you were hidden by the branches and you could sit and what not..... He was like come in here and I was like wtf?

He pulled out a wooden pipe that he made and packed a few bowls and we smoked it... I remember by the 3rd bowl it started to taste woody (I think we were smoking the actual pipe as well)... we proceeded to start walking to 7-11 which was through a huge field and I remember starting to walk... and then we decided to run... and I remember being so high as fuck just running through a field towards 7-11... bought a shitload of munchies and dont remember anything after that
It's funny when you do crazy shit when you're a kid LOL

I always remember just being so high and just chasing my mate around the estate for like 2 hours, throwing itch buds (some kind of bud off a plant what makes you itchy if you get it on you don't know the name LOL) in fits of giggles.


Well-Known Member
Smoked a quarter in a tent with two friends for first time. I got very high, but I was too drunk to begin with, wasn't that memorable really


Well-Known Member
first time i got stoned was in camden town. back when i was 15. im nearly 20 now and still smoking up :). i remember my friend pulling out a prerolled blunt. i didnt even no what the hell it was lol. smoked it and didnt feel a thing till like 10 mins later. i think back and remember being like im floating haha. a just laughing so much. wish i got them giggles now!! anyone else miss them good old laughing fits?



hahaha alright here's the story......... when? honestly i can't remember probably like 2 and a half years ago but i can remember where... in front of my house with my sister and her ex boy friend and we smoked out of her ex's metal pipe with some Kind Budd. Then I hit it three times held it in till i almost died then i still wasn't high so i was like let me smoke two bowls to myself and sadly still wasn't high....... so i said lets go inside so we did and as i was laying down about 5 minutes later it hit me........ i was totally baked i felt like i was in a dream and couldn't stop laughing and my body felt so wavy and kind of felt like i was melting but i remember feeling really heavy like as if i was glued to the bed pretty much with my jaw feeling like its getting pulled down and everything was moving felt like i was on a ride but it was such a great euphoria. Then for the first time i experienced the MUCNHIEZ. I ate about 5 chilly dogs and 3 double cheese burgers I made and my stomach was sticking out about to implode but my stomach was still growling but i stopped myself from eating any more because i was paranoid and thought i really would implode inside out but anyways at the time scary movie 4 was on and i saw the movie sober thought it was retarded but when i saw it high oh boy i thought everything was funny and that's where i came to my conclusion that retarded movies are hilarious when your stoned. but anyways yeah that's my first time story was great wish it could of been out a bong though.


Believe it or not I was 21 the first time I got high! I basically didn't have much of a clue about cannabis. And I didn't know why there was so much hype about being high and ganja in general. One of my good friends happened to come over and stay with me for a few days. He knew a lot more about weed than I did and he started talking about it. It kind of disappointed him, I think, that I wasn't aware of even the most basic things about nature's gift to all of us. So he told me that he had some weed (I was to learn later that it was CHEESE) with him right then and there and that we should smoke some. I didn't have anything to smoke out of at the house so he made a rudimentary gravity bong :)) A true lung-buster:)) He took the first hit and after about 30 seconds he started tripping really hard. He was acting like nothing I had ever seen before at the time and I thought he was only pretending :)) My first hit wasn't that good (or so I thought) , I choked and I choked, and thought that none of the smoke had made it to my lungs so my friend fixed up another hit for me (a very good, bad idea) :) After I took the second hit, mucus just started dripping out of my nose, but other than that I thought I was fine. :)) Immediately after that I started to suspect that marijuana has no effect on me whatsoever and that my friend was trying to trick me into buying his fake shit :)) As you can see, the paranoia had already begun. About 30 seconds after my second hit there was this uncontrollable laughter, more like screaming and it hit me so hard that I was going on and on about how I would never be able to stop feeling like I did. :)) The rest of the night I kept saying: "My brain is going to explode!" Eventually I fell asleep, or rather passed out next to my friend, waking up in the morning only to feel fresher than ever.

Since then i have evolved some and now I am proud to call myself a grower and a huge marijuana fan.
OK:)) I fucking remember the night, you were screaming and telling me you're seeing headlights, and I was rolling on the bed laughing:)) You talked to your girlfriend on the phone, telling her your head will explode:)) Dude, you even got me scared that night...you were hit really hard. Trainwrecked you could say:P Unforgettable anyway...now let me remember mine...and I won't take in consideration the time when I smoked a shitty joint when I was 14 and I had to grab on to the fence because I thought the world was spinning and that I was going to fall off of it, and that afterward I went back to my friends birthday party and laughed my ass off just for looking at them...no wait....that was actually my first time and it was really fucking nice....but I fell in love with ganja when I was 22, from a cheese sample I got from the grow that my friend and I had going on. Most intense trip ever, I don't know if anything will ever top that off. I watched two movies, each one two hours, both good, Bob Funk and The Worlds Greatest Dad, didn't understand a thing, only to realize the following day that I knew each bit of them by heart, and went to sleep only to shake in the bed for an hour or two....so a 6 hour high. I wasn't aware at the time that you have to consume your trip in order to be able to fall asleep. I guess that's it!:D


smoking with a friend on our bikes going to rent a video game from someplace. I got the joint from my Mom's stash, she told me years later, it was shunk and she thought her brother stole it and they had a big fight over it. We laughed over that one for a long time


First time I smoked was when I was maybe 15 or 16, don't remember exactly. Was at a friends birthday party and some other friends there had some weed and wanted to smoke it. So they used a soda can and we smoked a couple bowls full. Didn't feel a damn thing that whole night, other than being really tired. Might've had something to do with the fact that it was really shitty weed, and I didn't know how to use the can properly XD

First time I actually got high was the very next year at the same friends birthday party. Some other friends stopped over and rolled 2 fat joints. We smoked em up and all I remember after that is being the worst Halo player at the party XD