first time


Hi folks, it's the first time I grow, and I do it indoors
its not verry proffesional but i took my chances
and it works but it grows very slow (15cm or 6 inch)
the plant on the picture is 4 weeks old (18/6 modus)
is it normal that its stil that smal?
i use a 14wat cfl
i juse distilled water whit a ph value of 6 and some bio bat nutrients
the temerature inide the room is 25°c or 77°f
can anyone help me whit tips or what im doing wrong or what i shoud do?


the tap water up here has a ph value of 7-8 isnt that too many?
and how can i regulate the ph value of the soil?
what lamp do u sugest me to take?
can i do it whit a 20 or 25 wat cfl ?


Well-Known Member
Look in the 'indoor' section, there is a whole section dedicated to lights and stuff........ Plenty of suggestions on lighting :)
Your tap water can be manipulated with several things, PH down, a commercially produced product, lemon juice, or what I use is white distilled vinegar. I use about 1 capful from the vinegar bottle per liter of water, to bring mine down almost 1 full point.
Have you checked the PH of your soil yet?
You also mentioned concern that your plant is small, which I did not address in the first post, but it is normal, as right now your plant is concentrating it's energy on root development as well as the leafs.