First Timer aeroponics looking for advice/tricks for overall better harvest PICTURES


Active Member
Is this fogger or sprayers? Looks good to me. I never understood why people use those pellets. I suppose its just an alternative to neoprene, but isnt it a bitch to deal with those? With neoprene you gotta keep buying them, but imo its less work. Do you plan on having more of a veg period? Or are you gonna veg as well with the HPS lights? I got a 8 bulb long high output fluoro setup. Its 430 watts, but it covers my veg and clone and i loves it. All-in-all I think everything you have here looks good. EXCEPT maybe your light. Thatd be fine for fresh seedlings or unrooted clones.


i have a fogger system setup. It is a 5 gallon bucket with 10 neoprene discs cut into the lid. I have 4 gallons of water and my nutramist ultrasonic nebulizer on a float so it maintains fog constantly. There is also a airstone sitting in the bottom oxygenating the roots. the problem i have is that the top almost blows off the bucket because i have all the holes sealed very nicely what could i do to fix the problem. will post pix later got to run to work.. in regard to your aero setup ditch the tin foil and pain the top white the foil conducts heat and is only 30 % reflective. other than that looks good
I have two airstones at the bottom running 24/7 to oxygenate the roots and when I built this set up I didn't even know that neoprene discs existed. I have pvc pipe inside attached fitted with spray tips pointed at each plant. I was running the water 30 minutes on 30 minutes off but one plant showed signs of being over watered so i cut it back to 30 minutes on 60 minutes off.


Well-Known Member
my system runs continuously. the tubes have laser line sprayers, and they're full of roots.. i even have them going down the drain tube into the res.
Got a very simple somewhat cheap idea/design I want to get out there for a low pressure true aeroponic 10 site planter is anybody listening
I wrote a technical description in about 3500 words but I guess you can't post more than a thousand so I'm just gonna do it word of mouth this idea has got to be out there somewhere but if you know the definition of true aeroponics. NOT hybrids you might want to hear this idea I gotta know if it will works and if it does someones gonna have explosive growth like BIGTIME huahhhh!