First timer coco issues

  • Ok first time with coco and well every thing was fine till about 3 weeks ago my growth has slowed down and the lower leaves were yellowing and curling upwards after 3 weeks of checking going over everything i checked my run off today ph is 7.2 and ppm 1600 wow WTF i feed @900ppm and i pH @5.9-6.1 however i have noticed that if i let my nutes sit for a few days after being mixed and ph'ed my pH rises to 7.0-7.5. Any advice to correct this problem and prevent it in the future would be greatly appreciated​



Well-Known Member
Feed less often with a lower strength...make sure that if you leave your nutes they aren't in direct light...beyond that I don't know why your pH of nute water would rise after sitting...but since coco is drain to waste it shouldn't matter too much...just only mix what you need at the time perhaps...


Active Member
wow dude that sucks. I used coco and had great success with it.

First off, you wanna aim for a pH of 5.8...thats the sweet spot. Your plants aren't absorbing any nutrients because the high pH is locking them out. First thing I would do is flush, thats the good thing about coco, you can correct a problem fairly quickly by flushing with pH'd water. I would flush until the run off is at 5.8, then feed.

I usually mix my nutes and pH right before I feed, I dont wait at all. How long are you waiting to feed after you mix?

What kind of nutes and pH down are you using??
OK flushed all plants. I think that part of my problem was maybe that i wasn't giving enough run off when i was feeding there for the nutes were just building up ? however i am still confused why the ph was so high.


Active Member
Ok flushing now! I am using bcuzz and switching to hesi coco i use lemon juice for ph down.
That could be why your pH is going up, lemon juice works, but it doesn't buffer well, meaning it doesn't resist changes in pH very well.

Go out and buy a pH down solution and you'll be happy you did.