First Timer: flowering Week 3


Well-Known Member
So far everything has gone alright... one male out of 3 plants, all of which were bagseeds... So i feel like i made out alright...

Once I could tell the two other plants were female, i cloned the Sweet Skunk, and then a week later, i cloned the Cinderella plant (out of the fact that, if I liked the way the smoke was, I'd might wanna smoke it again, if not, I have a friend who will gladly take the clone off my hands... win/win situation)

So its week 3, and things are going great...

I had to pull the Sweet Skunk plant away from the light cause it was growing so fast, by the time i came home from work, the leaves were burned from touching the light

Woke up this mornin, and there was BUDS starting to form.. The top kola looks good, the rest of the plant looks healthy .. Both plants comming along very nicley..

Sweet Skunk

Top of Sweet Skunk


Top of Cinderella

Im gunna update with pics every other day.. Feedback would be greatly appreciated




Well-Known Member
Yeah man looks good. I like that clone dome thing ya got there. Are you flowering with the same bulbs you vegged with? If you could get one more of those bulbs and put it right in between the plants....well you'd be glad you did! Good luck , and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys

Ive been wanting to put a light in the middle of them, but due to end of the month bills, i wont be able to afford another big 150w for $60, so im going with 3 - 42w cfl's... Ive included some pics i snapped as soon as I got home from work

I hear proximity is the key... So I try to do just that.. Keep it close!!

So here are my clones... they arent lookin all that great... Like two out of 6 look alright... Like they might make it... The others.... Well..

I dont know, im not an expert, but I have pix!!

What causes the tips to turn yellow and curl up? Why are they lookin shabby... what am i doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance!!


Well-Known Member
Sup bro, yeah sorry to say but those clones just don't look too good. Of course you know and I'm a stoner right now babling along. Where was Iiiiiii.... oh yeah did you dip them in some root hormones and make small diagonal cuts in the stem for the roots to sprout. If not those things may be to the point of no return. If you did in fact use rooting hormone, the next thing I was ask is, "what is the temp in that clone dome you have?" If its toooo muggy in there that won't help at all either. Hope this helps. The Sweet Skunk looks sooo tasty right now. Looks like I could eat her leaves (hope I didn't sound too wierd right there, remember I'm typing this high)


Well-Known Member
Hey the plants are looking awesome! One question for ya though - How tall were the plants before you started to flower? Also how many days into flowering did you know what sex the plants were?

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys

The clones were done correct... I watched a few videos and read SeeMore Buds Buds for less book... So i did it right..

As for the clones... i dont know the temp/humidity... I dont have a hygrometer where the clones are...

Three days into flowering my sweet skunk plant showed she was a girl... I had three plants, one got cut down two days after the sweet skunk, and then the cinderella pulled through a week later

I woke up this morning, and the plants look soooo good!!

Ill post some pics later, off to work!


Well-Known Member
Plants look good! I am a first timer myself so I am gonna watch this one!

How tall was the plant when you started to flower? Mine are 3 days into flowering no signs of sex yet and the biggest one was 12" and the other 2 were 10". We will see.....hahahaha excited!
wow man your plants looks fucking delicious right now, makes me happy to know that its possible for first timers to grow a good looking plant as i will be growing soon too! Can't wait to see what your gunna get ill be watching!


Active Member
nice looking plants :). where do you get those 42 watters, not the spirals the U shaped ones, i've looked everywhere.



A couple questions I have for you. I'm also doing a CFL grow. What color spectrum (K#) are you uysing for flowering? I have 2700K in my 4th week of flower, but just added one 6500K for side lighting (I rotate each plant 180 deg each day - 2 females @ ~ 28-30" tall).

Where did you find the wacky U shaped? I can't find 'em locally.

At your 3rd/4th week of flower, are your buds just forming? Or is there more mass then the pics show? My buds are a bit loose, not filling out very well, IMO. Any tips?

I just read a thread on cfls and putting em all aroung the plant - I may add some more light this weekend.

I may have missed it, but is this your first CFL grow? If NOT, how have they turned out before - decent bud and yield?

I also started with sack seed. 2 seeds each, and got two girls - I feel real good about that, except I went to far with pruning a few weeks ago - I should have just waited for top colas to advance, and then selectively harvested and left the underdeveloped buds under light.

Thanks for any info you can offer up and good luck!

you should use alot more 2700K bulbs than 6500K for flowering......those wacky u shaped CFL's are higher wattage bulbs you can find them here Feliz CFL.....side lighting really does help so the lower buds arn't so airy.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a cloning expert but I used to work with a guy who propagated plants from cuttings and we rooted just about every kind of ornamental garden plant and bush you can name.

We never once used rooting powder either, I would not hesitate to try weed the same way.

Use SAND, like playbox sand or beach sand.. Stick your cutting into it, keep it moist, never let it dry out, keep it in indirect light but out of direct light. I'd bet anything it will root and take off, even without rooting hormone although it might not hurt to use some but I'd like someone to try this without it and see how it works.



you should use alot more 2700K bulbs than 6500K for flowering......those wacky u shaped CFL's are higher wattage bulbs you can find them here Feliz CFL.....side lighting really does help so the lower buds arn't so airy.
+rep Thanks - gonna go to rummage sales to look for more lamps.

StonedSurfer 54 - please look above for my post - I've got some Q's for you.