First timer Leafs bleaching out?


Well-Known Member
First time grow need some advice and tips

type of growing : Open Closet
grow space : 6x6x7
grow medium : soil
Light system : 1000w HID MH+HPS
fans exaust: x2 1 is pushing through the cooltube(top of room) the other is outside the closet pulling air out of the cooltube
fans intake: x3 one blowing air at the cooltube one on the floor and a oscillating fan outside blowing in
Temps: day 75-82 / night 69-75
Containers : 5 gallon buckets x9
Plant type : Clones - i know 3 are Blue Dream i got 3 other "M" and 3 other "CR"
Nutrients : X Nutrients Grow/Bloom/Micro
Plant age : I got some"Adult" clones i've had them for about 2 weeks they looked to be about 3-4 weeks old when i got them.

So i took some pictures of the Leaves last night

Sorry dont have anything to resize =X Their are a few leaves like this all the new growth looks healthy.
I have only gave them 1 feeding of nutes at 1/4 strength 1/2 gallon each pot, the water comes from a bulk dispenser PH @ 6.0 - 6.5.
If the new growth looks good should i worry about this? Also some of the leaf tips are really long and pointy. My humidity is only at 10% I live in the desert and its like impossible to raise my humidity in a open closet. I'll post more pics later their uploading ATM.



Well-Known Member
It looks like a cal issue to me, what with the light color striations on the leaf margins. I would lower my acidity and go for the cal-mag. Calmag has calcium, magnesium, and an N value that I think will cure your ills. This is my take on it, do not trust the fate of your crops on any single answer. Gather all the info you can today, and make an executive decision. Address this within 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
Also when i woke up this morning and checked my babies 2 of them were drooping bad, i misted some water on them and one of them came back up alittle and the other one is still drooping bad. I just watered them both. The last time i watered was 4 days ago 1/2 gal PH 6.0-6.5 DSC00046.jpg I'm worried about this one last night at about 12PM they looked amazing then at 6AM i woke up to this =[


Well-Known Member
drooping int he morn is normal at that stage. They will perk up with some light.
I hope. My light schedule goes around my work schedule, they turn off at 7AM and back on at 1PM i noticed this at 6AM the lights still had 1 more hour till they turned off for their bedtime.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Waterboarding? Before i added more water i checked the bottom of the drainage holes and it was still moist. I knew i shouldent of added more water but i panicked and i did anyway. If their is to much water sitting in the bottom of my pots how can i dry them out? I have about 10 1/4 inch drainage holes in the bottom. Sorry i'm a rookie and just want to try and not screw them up more. Thanks again for the help

Pat the stoner

New Member
The 2 most common things I noticed that cause droopy leaves are over / under watering . I use cal mag plus added to the water like it says on the bottle , I can't say that is your solution or not . One method of letting more air get at the roots - I take a pencil and poke 20-25 holes down into the soil of each pot 3 inches deep , I believe this will aid in drying it out .


Well-Known Member
Yea I think ive stabbed the roots already :cry:, I think im going to have to add more soil to my 5 gallon pots. When i filled up i only went 3/4 the way to the top and planted the clones. After i watered them the soil has droped to about 1/2 way up. I think i should of filled the pots then watered the soil then planted. Whats the best way to add more soil in 5 gallon buckets? Should i water it down first then pull em out? Or do it dry? I guess the first time is always a learning curve so glad people here a RIU are very helpful. Here is a pic of the current soil levels some of them are really low BTW The middle one is the one that is drooping bad this is a pic of it about 5 hours b4 this happend it looks so good here.

Also is 10% RH Doable? am i stressing the plants with this low of humidity? Sorry for getting off the topic I've tried to search for low humidty grows and havent been successful


yes your stressing them, the best thing you can do is get a humidifier and put it in your closet, other than that, i would go to your local grow shop or home depot and grab some white vinyl or something, it should only cost about 40 bucks and line the floor and the walls with it at almost chest high for more light to spread in the room. other than that i see a fire hazard on the ground. your boxes will go up in flames as well as your house if you do not correct that. at least get some electrical tape on the marrettes and raise them from the ground. and i really dont think cups should be in your big buckets. if you went from that small of a cup to that big of a pot, it could have stressed the plant as well. your biggest priority though is to get the viinyl for the walls and get a humidifier... there are some very cheap ones as well.

remember with humidity, comes bugs. always wash before entering the room, keep pets out

Pat the stoner

New Member
I don't know how going from a small cup to a big bucket stresses anything - doesn't make sense to me I do it all the time with no problems . As far as raising the humidity goes hang a wet towel or 2 -3 in there , put some water in empty buckets and leave them in there if that doesn't do it consider raising the humidity by using a humidifier . I would start a thread with low humidity in the title . I have here around 40% where I am . I know there have to be a few desert growers on here . Fire hazard is a real potential problem though put that fan motor on some bricks or tile to get it off the cardboard . Always check the weight of your pots they should weigh 60% less when they need water . After watering check the weight by lifting the pot , before adding water check the weight again if too heavy check it again the next day until it weighs 60% less than after watering . Add the soil you need to by spreading it over the top of whats there so as to cover your exposed roots .


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice i put a few tiles to raise my motor off the ground and wrapped the cable up alittle nicer(tired of getting shocked when i steped on the wires:shock:) I have tried 2 diffrent humidifiers and the only way they would work was when i closed the door on my closet and the temps went from 75F to 90F and it only rose to like 25% RH. At night when i turn the lights off and the fans stop it goes to like 25-30% but with the fans on and the lights on its like 0-10%. I'm on a budget and now it looks like im gonna have to buy a AC unit and hope my electric bill stays tame..Has anyone had luck running like a 10" duct from their central AC vent to the grow room? Thats the only alternative i have till i get paid again.

On a positive note when i got home from work my 2 drooping plants have poped back to life and are looking good again :weed:


Well-Known Member
If your roots r already around the bottom of pot which judging by their size probably are, wait till your soil is nice and dry then lift out plants straight out by base of stem(roots should keep all soil together) and add enough soil to fill up pots after you put plants back in.