First timer looking for harvest advice.


How much longer do you guys think I should give her? Does anyone do multiple harvests from their take the top cola and wait for the bottom buds to ripen? I was reading here that peak THC is when 50% - 80% of the pistols are red. I want more of a head high and I read its better to harvest on the early side but someone told me that is a fairy tail. I'm just going by pistol color right now...I ordered a microscope but its being shipped to me.




Well-Known Member
I would wait about another week or so, may until the weekend. They are getting close but there is no real way to know until you check under a scope or you ran a strain a few times.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i harvest when trycs are all milky with some amber. grower prefrance..
looking pretty done to me, but the scope well tell you.


I WOULD HARVEST NOW!!! by the looks of your pictures, they are ready to go. the red hair thing is a myth, the only precise way to know when to harvest is the color of the trichomes- which can be identified using a 30x magnifying glass or higher. they are at a full potential when the trichomes are almost 3/4 amber and 1/4 "milky." Good luck! They look beautiful!

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Still waiting for my microscope in the mail. Can anyone tell from the trichromes in these pics? I'm trying to be patient...all the lower fan leaves are gone and now the middle ones are going, is that normal for the middle ones to go?
Hey man, I looked at your pictures and everything looks real good. Hopefully you have been flushing as was suggested because your real close to harvest. Don't worry about those leaves, thats normal at this stage. Give them another week of flushing and they will be ready. Hope that helps you.

guerilla kid

Active Member
Looking nice them mate.

That main cola does look pretty close for the chop. if i wanted the more 'heady' energetic high, then id see no problem chopping the main cola now and let the lower buds mature for the last week or 2.

A prefere coachlock stone imo though. :p


Well-Known Member
guys, those really dont look done imo, maybe a few of the buds, but no way is it all ready, the trichomes havent begun to amber on alot of the plant, look at the last pics on each of his posts and how very little swelling has occured and the health of his fan leaves, harvesting now would almost be a waste imo.


Well-Known Member
If you got a scanner you can scan it at 200x mag to see it alot better.
No ambers yet , I would wait another week.
Its amazing how much difference a week can make in the high. Same with drying, longer is way better for taste.


Still being patient...but barely. I cut a small sample yesterday but think I ruined it in the oven trying to dry it. Didn't pay enough attention to Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. So the high was ok...lasting maybe 2 or so hours but I've had better.

Here is some high res shots of the top bud and lower bud and plant itself. I can't tell the difference if the trichomes are clear or milky? Anyone help and advice as to when to pull her? I'm looking for more of a high than a stoned.


Well-Known Member
Trychs have a LITTLE to do with it, wait till the pistils recede into the bud, and you should just "know" when it is ready.


Well-Known Member
guys, those really dont look done imo, maybe a few of the buds, but no way is it all ready, the trichomes havent begun to amber on alot of the plant, look at the last pics on each of his posts and how very little swelling has occured and the health of his fan leaves, harvesting now would almost be a waste imo.
Fully agree with dark here, you've got time. You could chop now, but they're definitely not "done" just yet.Another week to three and you'll notice a nice difference. They look real nice now, but as the saying goes "When you think they're done, give it another week". Wait for your scope, get a good look at the trichs, and you'll know for sure.


Well-Known Member
I prefer a head high vs couch lock and I would still let those go a little while longer. Listen to the guys that are talking about the pistils receding into the bud. That shows a plants maturity more accurately then the color of the trichs.

In all honesty the only way your going to know is by harvesting at the wrong time and then harvesting at the right time. You will get a feel for it especially if you stay with the same strain for a few grows.