First timer outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals, I have been thinking of throwing some clones in my outdoor vegetable garden. This would be my firat time growing my girls with natures light.I have a few strains to choose from my local shop.(can detail if interested).

I'm kinda wondering what to expect from an outdoor grow? I'll be growing in 5 gal buckets and do some trellis or screen work...just looking for advice. And about how much longer than indoor should I expect.


Well-Known Member
I always start my babies from seed, but going with clones and only 5 gallons of soil I would probably start my clones indoors towards the end of April and grow them out while bringing the hours down and maybe start hardening off mid May and throw them out for the season from there.

5 gallons is small for outdoors man.


New Member
Hello, I'm new here as well but not new to outdoor growing... If your trying to control size or trying to keep your girls size contained five gallons is good. I myself am going with ten gallon smart pots only because the wife doesn't want them going crazy... As far as what to expect, look out for powdery mildew and good old spider mites, those two are always a challenge for me outdoors. Depending on your climate and where you are in the world they could be more of a problem or less (especially the pm). You can research resistant strains to help with issues like that. Good luck bud


Well-Known Member
I always start my babies from seed, but going with clones and only 5 gallons of soil I would probably start my clones indoors towards the end of April and grow them out while bringing the hours down and maybe start hardening off mid May and throw them out for the season from there.

5 gallons is small for outdoors man.
For sure, I'm not trying for trees. Just 6 girls for a trial run.


Well-Known Member
Hello, I'm new here as well but not new to outdoor growing... If your trying to control size or trying to keep your girls size contained five gallons is good. I myself am going with ten gallon smart pots only because the wife doesn't want them going crazy... As far as what to expect, look out for powdery mildew and good old spider mites, those two are always a challenge for me outdoors. Depending on your climate and where you are in the world they could be more of a problem or less (especially the pm). You can research resistant strains to help with issues like that. Good luck bud
Im in Sacramento cali. I'm just seeing how this outdoor thing works and also not wanting a huge bush, that's the reason for 5gal.

What kinda soil will be good, bang for buck?


New Member
I'm using black gold mixed with foxfarm ocean forest and perlite. The black gold holds too much water on its own and the ocean forest leads to nute burn by itself. I think I'm paying $10 per bag for the black gold, can't remember how much the ff is... Its jorge cervantes outdoor mix, he's got it up on YouTube and it works great for me. I'm in solano county myself so we have close to the same climate if not the same...


Well-Known Member
I'm using black gold mixed with foxfarm ocean forest and perlite. The black gold holds too much water on its own and the ocean forest leads to nute burn by itself. I think I'm paying $10 per bag for the black gold, can't remember how much the ff is... Its jorge cervantes outdoor mix, he's got it up on YouTube and it works great for me. I'm in solano county myself so we have close to the same climate if not the same...
Right on, thank you for the advice. Sounds like a simple mix. I grow hydro indoors and for my vegetables I just use compost manure and MiracleNo... (I know) vegetables are just a hobby to get me outside


Well-Known Member
I'm using black gold mixed with foxfarm ocean forest and perlite. The black gold holds too much water on its own and the ocean forest leads to nute burn by itself. I think I'm paying $10 per bag for the black gold, can't remember how much the ff is... Its jorge cervantes outdoor mix, he's got it up on YouTube and it works great for me. I'm in solano county myself so we have close to the same climate if not the same...
Fox Farm Ocean Forest is a very hot soil indeed,

imo always mix some 20% perlite to the mix just to dilute them hot soil effects,

Black Gold is another 'HOT' soil with a lot of peat,

..peat holds a heap of water, hence

it also holds excess nute, a considerable nuisance to growers trying to get their plants to flowers

if you are in a arid or hot climate Black Gold is the choice

for temperate climates Fox Farm is great, but both need some diluting with perlite, ...imo

good luck


New Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forest is a very hot soil indeed,

imo always mix some 20% perlite to the mix just to dilute them hot soil effects,

Black Gold is another 'HOT' soil with a lot of peat,

..peat holds a heap of water, hence

it also holds excess nute, a considerable nuisance to growers trying to get their plants to flowers

if you are in a arid or hot climate Black Gold is the choice

for temperate climates Fox Farm is great, but both need some diluting with perlite, ...imo

good luck
Agreed, the perlite is a must... Jorge adds those hydro pellets to his but I leave them out, that black gold holds plenty of water even after the perlite and ff is added...


Well-Known Member
Awesome guys! I'll definitely be using the black gold, Fox farm and perlite mix. Where I'm at in Sacramento is pretty arid most of summer so I could use the water retention. What's the ratio that you would recommend @ZeroeoneZ

Just a guess would be 40/40 BG/FF and 20% perlite?


New Member
Awesome guys! I'll definitely be using the black gold, Fox farm and perlite mix. Where I'm at in Sacramento is pretty arid most of summer so I could use the water retention. What's the ratio that you would recommend @ZeroeoneZ

Just a guess would be 40/40 BG/FF and 20% perlite?
Yup, that's just about what I do, I also add nutes as the season goes on but that is my starting mix... Its pretty darn dry here as well over the summer and with this drought that we've had I try to maximize my water best I can, down here they we're giving tickets to people using more than they're supposed to I heard so whatever I can do to maximize things I do... Good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
Jeorge adds a few othe things...this was gonna be my mix but I went with the moonshine mix instead.. I would really reccomened getting hat ancient forest man... for just making teas if anything...but idk add it in my mix...everyone that I know who has use it loooovvved it...and I supposed ff of is "hot" but not as hot as I hoped it would be....I planted straight into the moonshine mix..from seed...and it's a lot hotter than plan o.f. ...all I did was leave out the perlite until I put thm into bigger pots.....although I did make my mix a lil different for the seeds...I went 60% ff light warrior 20 % ff planting mix and 20 % o.f. ....I will admit rhat two of my plants grew all fucked it was trying g to grow to fast..the leaves were growing twisted...but the all the rest of them are blowing up!....and 5 gal isn't a lot..teue..but this is your first r in outdoors...of I could reccomened u doing something. ..and it would def be worth ur instead of planting into those hard 5 gal buckets go and but those dirt ass cheap wider and shorter ( if u can find..if not it's ok to get reg ones) 5 gal buckets ...the flimsy plastic ones...they are so much easier to transplant and the wider ones let the roots expand better than the taller skinny might not think u want to transplant now..but if you follow directions from the ppl on here ....ask questions pics when something is wrong..and use a smart feeding schedule with a lot of direct sun...your gonna have a big plant and wanna kick urself in the ass for it being be to transplant or fuck something I
Up with those reg 5 gal buckets....I'm not saying ur too dumb or can't transplant from one of those but its so much easier with the flimsy buckets....if need be u can just slice them to transplant ..I k ow u don't want a large plant 10 feet tall..but I have seen lbs pulled off of plants that are 5 feet it to keep it short and use l.s.t techniques and you won't have an unwieldy plant taking over ur 'mater patch


Well-Known Member
If I use anything other than 5 gal HD buckets I'll be using fabric pots. I love them inside for my coco and I could only image outdoors would work just as well.

I won't be using anything bigger than 5 gal of soil.


Well-Known Member
Well them I would reccomened using a smart pot....I have not water to transplant at the beginning but when I seen how big my plant was getting I just had to...but I would MUCH rather grow in a smart pot or something like it...way better choice


Well-Known Member
Another thing I need to consider is the amount of direct sunlight my area gets. I have a pretty big area to grow in but I have a lot of big plum and orange treyes that start blocking like around 530 and a big sheed blocking early morning sun till about 10. So that's only about 6-7 hours of good light...?