first timer, plant leaning

She leaned like this once when I first turned on the lights, so I lowered her some and she stood straight up. Now she is leaning again, this time it's been a couple days tho she is showing the next set of leaves. Anything I can do to make her stand up and be lively again?



More info?? Soil? Lighting? Type of seed?
Btw, those ceramic pots are a bitch to transplant from, you should start in red solo cups or something easy to manipulate.

You can stand her up, bury the stem up to the cotyledon no further. Wet the soil a bit and eventually she will grow roots from the buried stem and create a stronger foundation. Tap your seedling daily by gently bending (tapping) the stem to increase its strength.
More info?? Soil? Lighting? Type of seed?
Btw, those ceramic pots are a bitch to transplant from, you should start in red solo cups or something easy to manipulate.

You can stand her up, bury the stem up to the cotyledon no further. Wet the soil a bit and eventually she will grow roots from the buried stem and create a stronger foundation. Tap your seedling daily by gently bending (tapping) the stem to increase its strength.
Lesson learned, solo cups it is next time.

Using FFOF with 5 of the 23w 100w equivalent 5000k CFL

Seeds are Nirvana swiss cheese autos.

Should I bury stem by adding dirt or digging and burying?


I have no experience with autos. But in my opinion keep your lights close, never overwater, as your roots need to search for water, add dirt to the top of the pot as your seedling is very fragile. I usually leave a few inches in the pot so if I get unexpected stretch I can add dirt. Grow a few weeks in the ceramic pot until you see root tips so you can easily slide the root ball out for transplant.
Here's a sativa I buried recently, I had it too far from its light.
Two days later
Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
yeah, autos are a race, if you retard her in any way it will show at the end. I learned a lot from my first run just finishing of autos. I ran them 18/6 and germed photos in the tent. My swiss cheese was a short bushy plant , no lst or trimming, I didnt use nutes till about week 5, and then flowering nutes. Next time i would start weak grow nute in week 3, but this was a very easy to grow plant, was mostly green till it showed purpling in the last week


Steve Man

Active Member
Take that toothpick and get a ziptie and gently tie her to it until she can stand on her own. Also introduce wind to the equation, good airflow will put logs on your stems and help them build a toleration to it.
I had her leaning up against it then she stood up. I've had an intake fan on from the beginning. Now I'm having a new problem.
Temp reached 90 one day and they did not like it. My smaller one curled up pretty good and my taller ones leaves are drooping very low now. Temps haven't spiked like that before or after. I've sprayed the inside of clear cups and put them over top hoping it helps. The soil usually feels very dry so I give them a light misting usually twice a day. Doesn't look so good right now tho.