first timer please help!!!!!!!??????

Big Red 2316

Active Member
kiss-assI cant figure it out Ii got numerous problems, first my leaves are dying i have some with dark brown spots and bright yellow leaves and i have lots of new ones with what looks to be like yellow dust on top of them . then today me and the ol lady were totally examining them and im finding little webs on them and im thnking its mites what do i do?please help?!!!


Well-Known Member
No Picture's? how old r they & r they in veg stage or flower?
u have a ph tester? if so whats the ph?
whats ur temps light on/light off?
r u useing soil? what kind

i never seen spider mites in person but seen pic looks for little tiny white eggs under ur leafs


Well-Known Member
r u growing outdoors or indoors? if indoors do u have pets? i think if u search the thread for spider mites it show u a pictures spider mites and shows how to kill them


Well-Known Member
sounds probably like mites, def not good if you see the webs...look under the leaves where the spots are coming in and look for little tiny black dots..those are your mites...

depends on the strain they can be a pain to get rid of, for me all it took was Neem oil mix a tiny bit with hot water and a dash of soap, let it cool and then spray your entire plant make sure to get the bottom of the leaf! and repeat every week or two for 6 weeks...that's if you have mites. and you can't use it the last two weeks of flowering (or really any insecticides) so if you're at that point you're outta luck

Big Red 2316

Active Member
im doing indoor ebb n flow, my ph is around 6-6.2 i have fans on them and it doesnt get any hotter than 75 degrees f. i cant see any mites although i have lots of little silky webs in my top buds . I had to REEALY LOOK , and then i seen them. There all over and im almost 4 weeks into flowering and they are slowly turning yellow.


Active Member
It would probably make things worse to start spraying shit that far into flowering. Even soap and water would be bad because it would encourage bud rot. It does sound like spider mites though.

Big Red 2316

Active Member
It would probably make things worse to start spraying shit that far into flowering. Even soap and water would be bad because it would encourage bud rot. It does sound like spider mites though.
just took some pics here you go check it out let me know what you see.


Big Red 2316

Active Member
i hope the pics can help you help me cause theres so many damn things it could be i could totally fuck this off just by guessing.


Well-Known Member
not the best of pics,but can you see the mites,do you have a magnifying glass,i can see them with the naked eye,but i cant see them from your pics,if you see webs and see mites you could just let your plants finish and try and make the mites uncomfortable,my buddy swears he got rid of his mites useing high levels of c02 closeing the room in and raising it to 3000 or so,you can rent everything for about 150,your best to google how to do it because i cant one finger type everything but the stuff is out their.goodluck.