first timer showin' off my goodness!


Well-Known Member
now i'm gonna give her another week, but i snipped and trimmed this mid today and she is fluffy, airy, covered in crystal trichs... as a matter of fact, i've never seen this many trichs.... i am a proud proud man right now!

Nirvana Short Rider
71 Days From Seed

View attachment 1278077


Well-Known Member
yeah... i have found myself to be a little giddy and feelin' like a 7th grade girl..... no i said feelin' LIKE.... not ON...


Well-Known Member
preciate it guys.... as a matter of fact, you should have seen the scissors afterwards.... S T I C K Y. i mean to the point to where cleaning the blades was a lot like work! i can only imagine what it's gonna be like trimming my main cola..... AHHHH i can't wait!


Active Member
Nice job what size pot,lights,what light schedule soil nutes etc.. Explain if ya would.. +rep


Well-Known Member
i think you'll be surprised my man...

1 gallon pot
226 Watts of CFL's
12/12 after 4 weeks (she's an AF, but never preflowered so i forced it)
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
Fox Farm Tiger Bloom
Distilled Water


Active Member
Great job for your first time. Aaah… I still remember my first grow she was a little sative (I went a bit overboard on the trimming) got about half an ounce of her… good times (NOT!).

That shit of yours is beautiful. Good grow.


Well-Known Member
wow. so i guess this is what it feels like to have a baby (married with no kids) and someone to come up and say.... "awww you have such a gorgeous child."


Well-Known Member
Looking nice there Steveo :)

I can smell it from here ... get that drying ... get it cured ... and drift off into " I grew this shit " world :)


Active Member
A lot of people have that problem with the AF's makes me skeptical
nirvana had way to many probs with there AFs so they pulled them they still have short rider but seems its not stable either. Any thing from the joint doctor or lowlife seem to be stable. And very nice steveo how tall did she grow in the 1gal. i Know you snapped a pic before chop lets see it...


Well-Known Member
she's exactly 23 inches tall....

this pic was taken a few days ago. i haven't actually chopped her yet. i just took a bottom nug to trim her and check her out.... curiousity man!



Well-Known Member
preciate it guys.... as a matter of fact, you should have seen the scissors afterwards.... S T I C K Y. i mean to the point to where cleaning the blades was a lot like work! i can only imagine what it's gonna be like trimming my main cola..... AHHHH i can't wait!
make sure you scrape it off and smoke/vape it. it is the most potent part IMO. scissor hash is the best!


im currently on my first grow, im growing 3 Autos at the mo, all are about 29 days into veg.
A auto white widow, hindu kush and an ak x, all are doing well and im running my lights 18/6 but i think im going to try switching my lights to 12/12 to see if this help start these babys flowering lol

if i can ask Steveo, how did you go about changing your times, were you just running 18 hours lights on then off for 12 hours on for 12?