First timer: spots on young plant in dwc


New Member
Hey guys, first grow here. I have a 2 week old plant that I started from seed in a rapid rooter. I moved it into the DWC bucket about 5 days, where it was under 4 23w cfls until yesterday when I put her about 30 inches below a 400w MH. Two days ago I added a very little bit of the flora gh trio at a minuscule strength (about 125ppm total, my well water is 75 from the tap). I think even before I put the HID on her i noticed spots on one of the leaves, now since she's been under a day I think they look more pronounced. PH is right around 6, there are no roots growing through the bottom yet. The only explanation I can give is that I think that leaf may have been pinched by one of the hydroton balls at some point...any ideas whats causing this? The picture may not be able to show it that well but there are like 5 little dark circular spots on the leaf on the top.



New Member
Thanks for the feedback! I only added those little bit of nutes once and haven't again.

SO I come home after being gone for a day and it appears the spots have gotten worse or at least larger. Checked pH and it was at 6. I dropped it down to ~5.7 then immediately moved the 400w hid up about 8 inches thinking it was the light. BUT I just read that low humidity can cause similar symptoms as nute burn..and my humidity is really low! Like high 20's percent. So I'm thinking I just need to at least keep them misted with water and/or keep a damp towel in the tent.

Does this look like low humidity to anyone?



Well-Known Member
125ppm is a fine starting point - doubtful it would burn a seedling. If it were me, I'd go ahead and bump it up a notch to ~200 and see how it looks a day later.


Well-Known Member
Could possibly be the well water. You could try switching to reverse osmosis water with some cal-mag+

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
cal mag won't hurt unless it provides too much nitrogen. it shouldn't according to label, 5ml per gallon.

stop misting your plants. leaves like to stay dry indoors.


New Member
Yo. Have your water lvl come up on your net pots about 1 ich from the top so it can work as a wick system for your plant to get nutes and water. Subbing and looking forwad to pics


New Member
OK so she's now 3 weeks old. The first fan leaves still look shitty but all the new growth seems fine to me. I have added cal-mag at half the recommended strength and am using the gh flora trio at about 400 ppm. How do you think she looks?



New Member
WELL i upped the nutes to about 500ppm and a day later the tips of the new leaves are turning and then this morning I began to see brown spots move down the leaf from the tip. Is this nute burn? Is it still a calcium def?? I need some help guys.

