First timer who will suceed!! white rhino and bubblegum


Active Member
Strains: White Rhino and Bubblegum from
Lights: 1 400watt HPS, 2 48" Flouros
Nutrients: Blue Mountain Organics
Objective: gain knowledge and grow killer smoke


10 seeds were planted; 5 White Rhino and 5 bubblegum.
Soil used is FFOF and Chunky perlite.
watered and placed out side to sprout.
NO GERMINATION before I planted them!


BG#1, BG#2, BG#4, BG#5 have all sprouted.
WR#2, WR#3, WR#4 have sprouted.
All 10 plants plced under 2 48" flouros for a 24 hr light cycle.
All plants kept moist.

I will be updating this weekly with photos. Wish me luck!



Active Member
as of today, 9/10/08, the 3 white rhino seeds are growing crazy! They have past all 5 BG, which all have sprouted. I hope I get some females, males will get tossed out!