First Timer


Active Member
Hi All,

Love a smoke and sick of paying assholes for it so decided to buy my self a hydro kit and start growing.
I have bought a 400w HPS 'Top Flooding' Ebb & Flo system. I am planting in 4" rockwool cubes. I have overcome some complete naivety after flooding my system constantly for 18hrs a time for 2 days! I know I am a clown...I know already! So I decided like any normal person will do beforhand to do some research. I know understand the basics that the system is flooded at periods to stimulate growth. This will also allow oxygen and make growth go crazy these floods will also wash away any old Nute residue alas I understand!
I am going to purchase a timer on wednesday and start with a new clone.

I am here looking for some advice.

1 - I should seperate roots as much as possible from rockwool so they can spread?

2 - when clone first planted in CLAY PEBBLES which is my medium should I flood straight away?

3 - How often should I flood during day on veg then flower? I am being told around 3 times @ 15mins per time?

4 - Should I flood during night at all or just measure after testing if i need to give it an extra flood before lights out. I wouldimagine the last one will be more suited to the 12/12 schedule. I will be on veg hopefully just for a few weeks on an 18/6

I have gotten many great bits if advice already here and know that you can be trusted. As I say I like everyone else here just wants to homegrow. I am sick of waiting for crappy dealers to come round and overcharge me for quite frankly a rubbish product. I now want to homegrow as this is the best way.

I would apprecaite all your 'hints & tips' and as a first timer really need your help.

03-30-2009, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 2

meant to say . The res is only small 17 litres ideally designed for my needs which is 1 plant perhaps if i get it going soon 2 in the future

400wHPS light
top flooding ebb and flo
4" rockwool
17 litre
1 plant



Well-Known Member
On not touch the roots..... ever.... you'll damage the microhairs that do all the work.
On #2.....yes, get it wet.
On the rest....I'm not familiar with ebb & flow, so I can't advise.
Some one will help with the other questions.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I start my seeds and clones in 1 1/2" rockwool cubes pre-soaked in PHed water, when the roots start to grow out of the cube I put the small cube in a 4" cube, again pre-soaked in PHed water.
When the roots grow out the bottom of the large cube I put them in a 10" pot filled half way with hydroton, and then fill the pot with more hydroten.

I also fill the flood tray with hydroten since your roots will grow out of the pots and fill the flood tray.

You want the rockwool cube just above (1/4" -1/2") the flood level of your tray or it will stay too wet - you may have to hand water for a day or two until the roots reach the flood level in your tray.
I flood three times per day for 15 minutes during lights on period only - don't know, or care what others do but this works well for me.


Well-Known Member
sweet the 400w on 1 plant. make sure u veg for at least 8/12 weeks and the 400w on it will provide u some big ass po buds .because if u rush in to flowering u aint makin the most ov wot u got. a 12week veg plant with 400w will amaze u when it buds. good look. keep postin pics i would love to see it when its close to harvest


Active Member
thanks for this and i can assure you when i get it on the go I will keep you posted. Thanks for the advice guys. priceless.


Active Member
hey angelsbandit do i have to transfer to a pot or can it stay in rockwool for duration of grow. I am using clay pebbles so again the same method for me is using pot hand fill with clay pebbles as well as planter filled.