First Timer


Just a quick guestion but i got some sensi star seeds and i was wondering since there is no possible way i can even start a plant off indoors ... is it ok to plant these seeds out near a swamp where they would get plenty of moisture and sunlight ... if i add some nice fox farm ocean harvest soil to the ground and mix it 50/50 in with the ground and just add some perlite???

i do have access to this area and could maintain the plants if needed

will this work there will be no nights with frost where the plant could freeze

feedback welcome and any extra info you could give me i would love


Well-Known Member
It would certainly work. She's a weed. If your able to attend to her for an hour at least everyday it's all ok. Look into real good pesticides & bug killers. Do your hw on what kind of bgs your plant might encounter & how to prevent them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, sounds like you got a plan goin. Read up on outdoor growing, there's a sub forum for that here on RIU. Good luck


I still need some more inofrmation on what to spray the plants with for insect control any suggestions ... its near a wetland in New England

Yeah dude, sounds like you got a plan goin. Read up on outdoor growing, there's a sub forum for that here on RIU. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Biodegradable soap repelent. Something that's garden safe. Like for vegetables. & nothing too strong so it doesn't hurt the plant. But definetely something soap based.