first timer


hi guys from the uk. first time growing just a small room as a starter until i get to grips with this. i have 2 white widows under 600watt mh bulb into there 2nd week of veg they look as though there doing really well. i shall post up some pics soon and if possible you can give me advise if there is anything im am doing wrong or if i can improve cheers


hi guys here is a few more pics of my grow now in to its 3rd week of veg. plants look as though there doing fine some tips of the leaves have started to curl?? not sure why this has happened. i have had to change the reflector to an air cooled as the temp in the room increased by a few degree's and i could not get it down so opted for this new cover and it is working a treat. am looking to change bulbs in the next week to the hps 600watt and change the cycle to 12/12.
