Welcom 00zzy. Just a couple observations. First, you don't want to plant more than one plant per pot, unless it's a huge f-ing pot. I'm gonna assume you'll transplent the little guys. Second, the soil your using doesn't look like it has the best drainnage which could lead to some problems down the road with root rot. I would transplant one plant per pot with a 30% mixture or perlite (the little white thingies in potting soil). Also, make sure to fill those pots to the top. More soil means more roots, better air flow, and more lighting surface. This all equals bigger plants and most importantly, bigger nugs. They look a little over watered as well, make sure the pot is dry and light before watering again. They love a day or two of dry soil. Make sure water isn't pooling at the top either and stop watering once a little runoff comes out the bottom.
So far so good, they look happy so far. Keep up the good work.