First Timer

Big Shady

Been registered a few days, finally decided to post up. I live in Florida (850). Have had a few grows but they always got fucked up by deer, cows, bugs, people etc. Never got too serious about it but now Im tired of paying these crazy ass prices for a lil sack of herb. $60 an 8th is fuckin nuts. Gonna be ordering feminized Blueberry Headband and Super Sour OG by Emerald Triangle seeds here in a few weeks from Attitude. Anybody have experience with their seeds/strains? Gonna be guerilla growing and also will be doing LST as well. Im ready for May to get here!! Well your site is cool as hell and has shitloads of information.


Well-Known Member
Welcome, having had bd grow due to deer,cows, bugs and people why are you still going to grow outdoors? seems to me you'd be better off trying an indoor grow, anyhow best of luck.

Big Shady

Gotta be outside. Wish I could go inside with it. Not able to at the moment. I really wasnt tryin too very hard the two times that I did grow. Deer and cows on the first one. Bugs and some folks that werent supposed to know about my location did in the second one lol. Only a couple bagseeds both times. Definitely gonna be more serious about it this go round.

Big Shady

You aint lyin about that! I was ready to take those damn cows to the slaughterhouse when I saw my babies trampled all over!!