First Try


I'm new to the whole growing thing and i'm tryin out my luck wit it. I got a 45 watt CFL on 8 seedlings and as they get bigger i plan on adding more lights. I'm waterin it with bottled water i let sit out for atleast a day every day or every other day. They are starting to grow the second set of leaves, and they are almost a week old... I'll update with pictures as soon as i get them up.

Anybody got any tips as to help a newbie be successful? :shock:


See how long your stems are? They are stretching to get to the light...lower your light. Also I like to let the soil get a bit dry before watering...

Good luck!

well, if you are going to get a more powerful light metal hailite ( they are used for the bright white street lights) and they have them at your local hardware store, also the aluminum foil has to go if you get a stronger light.
it will fry the plants, you want a reflective surface that isent direct light for example, paint the walls white, or mylar is good but most of the time you have to but in quanity, your best bet is to get cardboard boxes to surround the plants and paint the boexs on the side the light shine on. other then that NEVER use the reccomended dose of fertillizer it says on the directions 1/4 of that and slowly work your way up. and a moisture meter is a good investment only the single probe meter the doudble probe sucks. Good Luck. get at me if you got questions


Thanks guys, I lowered the light to 2 inches away from the top of the plants.... I'll keep you updated on the status and i'll post a few more pictures in a few more days


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics...

Yep get that light closer, and get more......I gotta lot of tips for you on growing with CFL's it can be done real nicely, check out my CFL grow link in my sig. I answer any questions you have.