*first uk conservatory grow 2012 from baby to beast *

Are my plants likely to double in height during the budding phase?.

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Well im in england and we are renowned for shit weather but ive had a stroke of luck and pretty much since i planted we've had very little rain and general bad weather so it been pretty much shining in my conservatory,Another thing to add is the point that they are stretched is for a good reason, so they can get the light from my windows directly instead of just the roof and im looking at a october harvest at this rate and thats plenty of time to grow and i can see that the big bud is DEFINATELY going to need staking as its name states, Big Buds. I'm very happy with my plants and also remember they are grown under the sun , not by a light so the weed should be altogether different and probably better and i'm sure i can easily reach my target and i will post pics when i can be arsed forking out like 4 quid on 4 little batterys that dont last 5 minutes

I'm jesues by the way.

theses are both at 9 weeks dead on and just before they started exploding , which was a week ago to save you figuring it out
Just been forced to tie my plants down due to my mum dropping every thing off the shelves on them its took a lower bud branches head straight and its super cropped about a fifth of my bud branches so we'll see how that turns out hope its the good way out
Im giving them their full 5ml per litre as the bottle states after finishing giving them veg nutes about 3 weeks ago to the big bud, and about 2 weeks ago to the blue northern lights. Then i gave them one feed of just water, let them dry out a bit more than usual, then gave them just water again before switching to my bud nutes and they still haven't showed any signs of nute burn other than tiny bits on the end of the fingers of the leaves so im going to up the does a little bit and see what happens

P fucking S: My dog must have been pheenin and munched some lower branches of my KC45 male and my Northernlights Blue but at this stage she can be forgiven as theres no buds yet and it should boost the other ones a bit but its still Devastating... Stoner bitch

This is my big bud 2 and nl blue 14 weeks 5 days and ive put pollen on the bottom branches of them both and it seems to have taking it well
Iif i was to get seeds how many would i get roughly on a bud branch if it goes to plan?
Another update for you, My plants are now at 15 weeks 2 days now and are really doing well, the Northern Blue Lights is really startin to cluster and the Big bud #2 is a little bit behind it but its deffinately looking like my yield is gonna be nice i reckon but id be happy with anything, ive also included some pics of my big polleny bedroom beast so let me know what your views are as far as yield and finish date etc.? im thinkin 5-6 weeks, possibly 7!:S?
My male KC45 which i have caught some pollen off and applied to all the flowers on a few lower branches and the pistils have reacted to the pollen so i should have some seeds for my outdoor crops next year and it still smells really fruity even though it male!

And heres my Blue Northern Lights from Delicious seeds which has recovered greatly from the lower branches being removed and smells stronger but less fruity than the other but i reckon is gonna be a great smoke:

A bit of the top

And finally my beautiful Big bud 2 freebie which i tied up a bit more just before i took the pics so it looks a bit mutant but it's all nice n strong :)

any idea what you reckon my yield could be then ? :) cheers


Well-Known Member
I'm straining to even see flowers on those girls.

Honest truth and my opinion on the hard facts of these plants;

1)They are desperately seeking light. They are tall and spindly IF you get any type of respectable bud growth those little branches are going to be hard pressed to support it.
-Solution WAY more light intesity. OPEN THE DAMN BLINDS!

2)The pots are too small. Next time use larger pots.

3)Colour and leaves look great !

4) If you've already collected the pollen from that male chop him down. Even being in another part of the house he can spew pollen that'll become airbourne and get at thos females.

5)Harvest timeline... 8-10 weeks min.

6) Yield, 1 oz per plant (prove me wrong)

Not to sound like an ass (which I'm sure I am) but from my reading and personal experience (and reading about what my plants were doing) this is how I see it.

Next year you'll do much better, I know I will. We all learn our lessons.


Get a light and do it properly.. Posting shit posts like these just teach othr people the wrong way! Now go learn then come back and do it properly.... YOU NEED LIGHT>>> SIMPLE!!
Buds are reallllyy starting to form and my Blue NL has now got a bit of a gangster lean but i will tie it up, probably before i take some pics at weekend. They are surprising me everyday, gaining size so quickly and i got a good few weeks of size gaining yet. I recently started puttin a heater on when it gets dark and they have thanked me for it, Pics coming saturday...probablyy
bongs awayyyyy
Finally posting some new pics and you can actually see the buds now on the shitty camera but yeh all is good but im definately gonna go for early finishers next year as if these were outdoors i reckon they would need until nearly end of november- definately for the big bud #2 but i planted them in june so that could have made them run longer?
The smell from the Delicious blue NL is very strong and smells nice as fuckk but the big bud #2 is madd, different branches smell completely different but all smells really like fresh and piney and skunky and a little bit peppery but before i go on and onn here are my pics!
18 Weeks 5 Days Old

Delicious Blue Northern Lights:

Sorry for the blurryness

I reckon this will yield more and more potent bud

Big Bud #2- Seedsman seeds? Herbies freebie:

Not sure wether i can let it go 100% but its starting to orange up a little bit and im giving them until around mid november so time will tell but please give me your views and opinions etc.

Also if you go on youtube now theres loads of brilliant examples of outdoor growing in the uk, just type in "uk outdoor grow 2012". There's a guy with a field full of purple marocs that are humongous! Shows what can be done with good prep and the right strain... So im starting prepping in january and im growing fresian dew, hollands hope, Purple maroc from feminised seeds in Pc grow boxes to take cuttings from and place the cuttings outside, then place the plants i took the cuttings from outside, once ive tooken loadssa cuttings off them! I'm also going to be buying 2 of each of the kc brains 1.10 regs aswell as theyre cheap and ive heard good things about them and with a bit of variation i should find a nice few phenos to breed with. Also i'll be gettin freebies with my orders and the 50 odd bagseeds i already have anddd the ones im gonna be getting off the lower branches of my plants that i made from a kc45 male so im realllyyy looking forward to next year already! Anyone else gettin giddy for their 2013 outdoor grow yet? Because it seems like theres people all over the country that are now realising that its perfectly possible to grow weed outdoors.
:weed: Bongs away
Still haven't harvested yet! gonna be a couple of week on the northern blue but im gonna have to chop the big bud #2 in like 3 weeks and its hardly oranged up at all :/


Active Member
don't listen to the other guys mate she looks good, obviously more light would help but maybe if they read the "UK" and "conservatory" part they would keep their mouths shut silly cunts. looks like a cosy place in there smokin some buds next to the bud maker haha nice stuff.

i wanna grow outside aswell just don't know where, dont wanna do all the prep to find it chopped by some randomer.