First Waterfarm Grow: Jock Horror


She looks good Veritas! Hell yeah you gotta name her, you gotta do it though you're the parent. :)

Also I was wondering if your humidity might be to low? On the strain I'm going to grow (Kalashnikova), GreenHouse says to keep her when vegging at a 60 to 70% humidity..? Does this vary from strain to strain? If anyone has any info on humidity levels please share.

Keep it up Veritas, can't wait to see her get bigger. Are you going to top her or do any LST on her?

Im not going to top her but she is going to get the SCROG. Ya, im a little confused with the whole humidity things too. Though I never worried about it before and have always been fine.


Active Member
Im not going to top her but she is going to get the SCROG. Ya, im a little confused with the whole humidity things too. Though I never worried about it before and have always been fine.
Ah I see. I might try to top her at least once and SCROG as well. Also going to try a 6 inch fan between the the light and the WF, heard it helps with the temps and makes the seedling stronger if it has a bit of wind caressing it. I say spoil her as much as you can right? :)

Read a bit about the humidity issue; so far I got this...For a hydro grow as ours, between the hot lights and the water we are more prone to mold, although the humidity levels can vary during the plant's life. During it's vegetation period it could have a range within 40%-80% although when it's flowering it is recommended to have it as close to 40% as possible because the buds are prone to mold in high levels of humidity. Also a low humidity level close to harvest time will actually increase THC production for example if you starve her of water a bit in the final days (without letting her wither and die of course). Now this does not answer my dilemma about if each strain has a certain humidity "requirement" if you will. I have read that some like it more humid than others. Again if anyone has any corrections please do tell. Anyway hope it helps Veritas.


Im in a real hurry so a quick post for you guys.

Fixed Waterfarm Water

PH: 6.70
PPM: 332
Temp: 73.6 F

Grow Room

Temp: 70.0 F
Humidity: 49%
Light: OFF
Light Cycle: 18on/6off

and of course PICS! :hump: Oh, and these pics were taken with the light on earlier today. Sorry about that I know pics with light on is fail.

Sorry for being brief on this post but have to run out for a while. I enjoy and thank you for all the support and advice. :peace:


Still early so nothing exciting to report yet. I forgot to mention that I did a complete change in water to the waterfarm on Day 7 when I first started my nutes. I really don't like my PH this high but she seems to be happy so. I guess it's ok for now at least.

Fixed Waterfarm Water

PH: 6.70
PPM: 283
Temp: 78.8 F

Grow Room

Temp: 82.6 F
Humidity: 32%
Light: ON
Light Cycle: 18on/6off

And of course the pics! :hump:



Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the pH that much. Plant will grow fine. Once you start getting heavy in nutes 500+ the buffers will automatically adjust pH properly then you don't even need to check pH. (assuming you're only using Nova Bloom)


Don't worry about the pH that much. Plant will grow fine. Once you start getting heavy in nutes 500+ the buffers will automatically adjust pH properly then you don't even need to check pH. (assuming you're only using Nova Bloom)
Would I still have to use PH down when the nutes get heavy? My tap water has a PH of 7.0 - 7.1


Well-Known Member
No, I haven't used my pH down since it got past 500ppm of nutes. Given I use 0 ppm water. 7.0 tap is normal. My tap here will not pH adjust no matter what I add to it so I use distilled water. Going to be buying a RO system here soon(I've been saying that for a while, lol)

I put 4 tsp of Nova Bloom in a gallon of tap water, it took the ppm to some ungodly number but pH stood strong at 7.0. I was told they use lime in the water to keep the pH that stable. All I can say is I do not use the tap water here for anything. Is your water in the res 78 degrees? That's kinda warm. Try to keep it below 65, last thing you want is algae to develop in the res.

Also, when you take pictures try to not let the flash hit directly on the plant. Not going to affect the plant in any way just makes it damn hard to see the green of the plant!


Just chugging along. She starting to spread her wings a little but still a baby. Looks like she should to me at this point.

Fixed Waterfarm Water

PH: 6.62
PPM: 297
Temp: 83.6 F (I have to figure out a way to get this water temp under control)

Grow Room Temp.

Temp: 91.5 F
Humidity: 31%
Light: ON
Light Cycle: 18on/6off

Pics! :hump:



BIG News

We recieved another gift a long our way! Whats this? I know I know. Well, lets say instead of us growing one girl now we have a second. Thats right I had to take her in, cause she was going to have to get put down where she lived. I didn't want her at first cause shes in soil and I just wanted to do a hydro grow journal for you guys, but she gave the cat from Shrek eyes look at me. I couldn't say no. So, here she is Royal Queen: Amnesia Haze. She is 2 days younger then the Jock Horror I started with so that works out good for me in the space I have. I am going to focus on the Jock Horror grow in this journal but put up pics of both side by side throughout the grow.

I top the waterfarm off today with half a gallon of water treated with 1 eyedrop of dripclean and PH down. I didn't add any nutes in the top off cause I am going to flush the waterfarm in 2 days and don't want to over fert.

I also started to mist her with plain tap water everytime she starts her 6 hours off no light cycle. I do this to cool her down after the light has been on her for 18 hours.

Fixed Waterfarm Water

PH: 6.72
PPM: 410
Temp: 79.4 F

Grow Room Temp

Temp: 83.2 F
Humidity: 23%
Light: ON
Light Cycle: 18on/6off

Picture Time! What do you think of the new girl! :hump:



I have a question. Is it ok to use floranova bloom on soil grows as well as hydro? I never used it on soil so just wanted to know if it was ok to fert the water and feed it instead of ferting the soil and feeding it plain water.


Well-Known Member
Scotty said it was cool to use in soil but I think he said to use less than wut u use for a hydro set up....half or even just a 1/4 the nutes. Hey, my water is hard as well meter hasnt arrived yet, will check it when it does. Anyway, whos sat thier water out for a day, then tested it ?.... I heard that it helps so thats my next move because after buying distilled for my soil grows I know it can really start costing in a hydro set up with constant water changes & topping off


Ok, im going to post day 13 and 14 now cause I missed 2 days sorry guys. Busy busy busy.

Fixed Waterfarm Water

PH: 6.50
PPM: 409
Temp: 80.3 F

Grow Room Temp

Temp: 72.5 F
Humidity: 32%
Light: OFF
Light Cycle: 18on/6off

Picture Time! :hump:



Alot of growth in less then 24 hours. She is really starting to take off now! I can notice a real growth change day by day. I did a complete change in the waterfarm res today. I use 2 1 gallon milk jugs filled with tap water. I added 4ml of FloraNova Bloom to each gallon along with 1 eyedrop in each of Drip Clean and PH down as needed.

Fixed Waterfarm Water

PH: 6.30
PPM: 413
Temp: 83.1 F

Grow Room Temp

Temp: 93.3 F
Humidity: 31%
Light: ON
Light Cycle: 18on/6off

PICTURES! :hump:



Well-Known Member
Hey, I think the addition of that soil plant is really cool. What a comparison between hydro and soil. Watch as the hydro plant overtakes the soil.

I think that soil seedling is the cutest thing, tho. Glad you rescued her.

I'm a little wary of people putting soil next to their clean hydro, but I've seen people do it successfully without transferring pests, and you have only that one pot... and it looks pretty clean, so best of luck. Subbed for the race.


Hey, I think the addition of that soil plant is really cool. What a comparison between hydro and soil. Watch as the hydro plant overtakes the soil.

I think that soil seedling is the cutest thing, tho. Glad you rescued her.

I'm a little wary of people putting soil next to their clean hydro, but I've seen people do it successfully without transferring pests, and you have only that one pot... and it looks pretty clean, so best of luck. Subbed for the race.

Ya, I was worried about the tranfer as well. I try and keep my grow area as clean as possible. Im a gentleman no lady gets left behind! lol.


She's looking good. I changed the res water yesterday and bumped the nutes up to 4ml per gallon. She seems to like it so far the PH and PPM seem to be steady as they can be for a 2 gallon res. It seems she is starting to drink a lot more around a quarter to a little less then half a gallon a day. Im going to wait til tommorrow to top her off with more water. Make her roots reach for the res as much as possible.

Fixed Waterfarm Water

PH: 6.00
PPM: 391
Temp: 83.7 F

Grow Room Temp

Temp: 95.7 F
Humidity: 33%
Light: ON
Light Cycle: 18on/6off

Pictures! :hump:
