first week flowering- new growth yellow/twisted


Active Member

medium- rockwool
lighting- two 600 watt hps over a 4x4 flood table with drip system
temperature- steady 80 degrees
ph/ppm- 5.5 /350 ppm .... just switched it to 500 ppm and upped the ph to 6.0
first week of flowering. transferred them from a flood table which i hand watered to this in the flowering room thats automatically watered 2x in a 12 hour period.
nutrients- dynagro: just switched to half grow and half bloom once i put them in the flowering room. alongside 1ml per gal Calmag+, a little bit (0.5 ml per gallon of h2o2) for the reservoir
THE ISSUE- new growth is yellow with some plants showing twisted weird new growth. This is my first go around with rock wool. I am used to coco and even have 3 coco plants that aren't on the flood table that i hand water and those seem to be doing just fine.


Active Member
Heat Stress

Solution: Find a way to lower the temperature and/or increase the circulation in the grow room or grow area if heat is the problem. Having a small fan blowing over the tops of your plants will help prevent hot spots from forming directly under your grow lights.
If your marijuana plants are just getting too much light, try removing some of the lights or moving your lights further away from the tops of the plants.
When learning how to weed, it's best to try to keep things at a comfortable room temperature at all times for optimal growth. If it's too hot for you, it's probably too hot for your plants.

PS: They may be curling up too ! Are they ??


Active Member
They aren't curling up. I actually fixed the lime green growth, must have been nute deficiency. BUT only one of the strains seems to be having the top fan leaves curling down like a canoe. I have a fan blowing over them w co2 injection connected to it so I'm not sure if its a heat issue. I also have a titan environment controller with the sensor at the canopy level that is showing only 85 degree max temp and thats with co2 injection. I also have the same strains (only 3) growing in coco pots (hand watered) that aren't showing the curling fan leaf issue- the rock wool is a new medium for me as I've been working with coco for about a year. The strain that is showing the top fan leaves curling up is only the Critical Jack. It is the more sativa dominant out of the three strains I'm growing too, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it?


Active Member
also i just threw down some some rock wool slabs (6x4x36) underneath some of the bigger plants. Hopefully I can still get some root growth, but should i hold off on the watering for a couple days to let them establish a root system into the slabs. I'm wondering if the roots may be getting too drenched in the flood table and thats causing the issues, or maybe not watering enough? Whats the common watering cycle for rock wool on a flood table during flowering? I had no issues hand watering them every 3 or 4 days in the veg cycle- my flood table is only set up in the flowering room and that when these issues arose so maybe this may be the culprit. I probably should have let them establish a root system into the slabs before making the 12/12 switch, i realize this now, but at this point i don't want the yield to suffer and end up with airy buds bc of there being not a big enough root system.