First Year Strains Grown

Wow that's quite the list. Great year if you ask me.

Sounds like you are quite picky, but I say that in a good way. :) You know what you like and don't like. I can't help but wonder what this "haze" taste is that you hate so much.

You definitely flushed a crap ton of herb. The thought of it pains the hash lover inside of me. :D
Wow that's quite the list. Great year if you ask me.

Sounds like you are quite picky, but I say that in a good way. :) You know what you like and don't like. I can't help but wonder what this "haze" taste is that you hate so much.

You definitely flushed a crap ton of herb. The thought of it pains the hash lover inside of me. :D

piney--i would rather go without than smoke it.

sorry for any pain caused! ;-)
Congratulations on a very productive year!!! You have accomplished quite a bit!

Love the raw commentary...

...this was gross. flushed. it had a funky taste like you were smoking someone's dirty gym socks or something...and it smelled like a closet full of dirty gym socks...

...this was gross. "unique taste" must be code for gross in the sucked. yes, it was flushed too.

...this was terrible smoke. the taste was very gross. the smell disgusting. flushed and culled the clone in flower to make room for others....

Tell us how you really feel next time... ;-)

Gotta get me some of that SSDD and Lucky Charms...

So what is on-deck for 2015?
Congratulations on a very productive year!!! You have accomplished quite a bit!

Love the raw commentary...

Tell us how you really feel next time... ;-)

Gotta get me some of that SSDD and Lucky Charms...

So what is on-deck for 2015?

thank you!

seedsman and the zon had ssdd back in stock several hours ago; i ordered another pack. get it while you can, it is really amazing smoke!

2015 plan is to have many jars of SSDD and Lucky Charms curing :-)

...and how nice to read i'm not the only one who gets rid of smoke they do not like! (:
I hope she doesn't literally mean it went in the toilet - who'd risk that plumbing nightmare? But if, as she says, there's no one to gift it to, and she won't smoke it, then, what's left?

BTW - seeds - even expensive ones - aren't that expensive. In most cases, one good plant more than covers the expense of any pack.
WOW! I'm impressed.How many where u running at any time? Sorry U don't like haze,there was a time in the South when it was haze or the road.Crappy haze at that.Seems like a century ago I read of a grower that was adding strawberry soda to his flush water. Don't know if it works,but U might try it and the haze taste may come around to you'r liking..
LA Woman A.jpg

Haze isn't the tastiest smoke to me but I love the high.

I ran the church for two or three runs, was solid potency wise but the taste and smell left something to be desired.

I have an LA Woman ( In the pic) keeper that smells like gym socks, lol. She's fire in the potency dept but is sitting on the bubble and in danger of being replaced.