FISA Abuse by FBI

So you can’t find an opposing editorial. Got it.
Editorial? Opinions? Is that what you prefer? I deal with facts. I read opinions but they aren't something one posts to convince others. "What so and so thinks is..." LOL, Oh yeah, sure, that's useful.

What I cited earlier was a facts-based news report. The subject was closed more than a year ago with definitive reports and statements by people involved in the investigation. Is your memory so bad that you don't recall posts containing links and pertinent text from the report on findings from Republican run Congressional investigations from both the House and Senate on the subject.?

Well, here it is:

They just turn it into a fake conspiracy theory. For conservatiive religious nut jobs like @Bugeye , those are like Jason or Freddy Kruger. Every time you think you've finally killed the fake bs with facts it comes back to life.

For example, this from last year:

Paul Ryan splits with Trump, says ‘no evidence’ FBI spied on president’s campaign

No evidence from Republican leadership after Nunes spent millions and tied up his congressional committee chartered with oversight of national security for nearly a year investigating the matter with all the power in the world to compel testimony as well as investigatory powers. The House Majority Leader for the Republican controlled House literally said there is no evidence.

A year after he died on screen, Jason comes back for a sequel.

spam on, man
Editorial? Opinions? Is that what you prefer? I deal with facts. I read opinions but they aren't something one posts to convince others. "What so and so thinks is..." LOL, Oh yeah, sure, that's useful.

What I cited earlier was a facts-based news report. The subject was closed more than a year ago with definitive reports and statements by people involved in the investigation. Is your memory so bad that you don't recall posts containing links and pertinent text from the report on findings from Republican run Congressional investigations from both the House and Senate on the subject.?

Well, here it is:

spam on, man
Well you sound stupid all on your own. Screw society. So you are stupid AND ugly. WTF are you really good for? Got any actual skills useful to humanity?
As far as you are concerned, I hold no value. That said, you strike me as superficial.
He can’t even fish well. He’s so damn stupid he’d starve to death in a strawberry patch.
Editorial? Opinions? Is that what you prefer? I deal with facts. I read opinions but they aren't something one posts to convince others. "What so and so thinks is..." LOL, Oh yeah, sure, that's useful.

What I cited earlier was a facts-based news report. The subject was closed more than a year ago with definitive reports and statements by people involved in the investigation. Is your memory so bad that you don't recall posts containing links and pertinent text from the report on findings from Republican run Congressional investigations from both the House and Senate on the subject.?

Well, here it is:

spam on, man
You are not open to new facts and new information. Got it. You will not enjoy this thread.
You are not open to new facts and new information. Got it. You will not enjoy this thread.
That was an opinion piece, not a facts based news report.

Opinion pieces aren't the same as facts. What you posted is more like propaganda. It was written to influence rather than inform.

Totally not spam though.
No, it is an old piece and info has changed.
Nothing has changed. Trump still disagrees with Congressional investigations that found no evidence of spying on his campaign.

Trump still says a lot of things that aren't true. He doesn't need facts to form his opinions. Within that last sentence is the problem with the opinion piece you posted.

But what you post is totally not spam.
Nothing has changed. Trump still disagrees with Congressional investigations that found no evidence of spying on his campaign.

Trump still says a lot of things that aren't true. He doesn't need facts to form his opinions. Within that last sentence is the problem with the opinion piece you posted.

But what you post is totally not spam.
That was an opinion piece, not a facts based news report.

Opinion pieces aren't the same as facts. What you posted is more like propaganda. It was written to influence rather than inform.

Totally not spam though.
This thread is for news and opinions on FISA abuse. Please feel free to post current articles that meet that criteria.
List some more FISA “abuse”. In fact post something that’s fact and not opinion. You should go to work about search warrant abuse regarding regular citizens instead of the pieces of shit you’re sniveling about. Not one of the bastards you cry about would give you the time of day.