Fish Emulsion Overload!

Pimpy Longstocking

Active Member
Figured I'd give the good old fashioned fish emulsion a try. Fed my girls a couple weeks ago and they were fine. They're in 10 gallon pots and I had divided a diluted gallon between the four of them. Then... just a few days ago I decided to up the dosage and gave them each a gallon. Big mistake... out of the four plants, only two of them burnt, but I don't know if one of them is gonna make it. I read somewhere to flush them immediately, once you notice they're burning. I think I may have got to it too late... but now it looks like I may have flushed it too much, trying to make up for not getting to it rite away. It looks more drowned now than burnt :wall:

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
It takes very little fish fertilizer. I use a 1/4 tbsp per half gallon once a week in veg. Never use in it flower. If it was an outdoor grow it would be ok to use some during flower.


Well-Known Member
The newbie vortex or "will it go round in circles"... more nute = bigger plant...... shit nute OD...... flush.....FUCK water OD....... Ahhh !!... Till you know whats what...basic nutes & water.... most additives are for problems and not for the newer growers.., yet... good soil, basic good nute and water is all you need...
composts, manures..and fish products can be high in N...thus a potential problem... luck

**flush once... stop nutes..and watch.... IMO


Well-Known Member
twisty is correct when you do things for the first time you will see that your learning process is what YOU did wrong.. it happens to the most.. i would have doubled dosage (being half gal for each) if i had done anything.. because i learned fish is very strong stuff for things which do not have secondaries yet


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd give the good old fashioned fish emulsion a try. Fed my girls a couple weeks ago and they were fine. They're in 10 gallon pots and I had divided a diluted gallon between the four of them. Then... just a few days ago I decided to up the dosage and gave them each a gallon. Big mistake... out of the four plants, only two of them burnt, but I don't know if one of them is gonna make it. I read somewhere to flush them immediately, once you notice they're burning. I think I may have got to it too late... but now it looks like I may have flushed it too much, trying to make up for not getting to it rite away. It looks more drowned now than burnt :wall:

Any suggestions?
I totally feel your pain. I killed over half my first two grow phases by upping that f.e. dose, 50% over recommended was all it took. I flushed, repotted, and still lost them. :cry:

How well they'll survive seems to be directly related to how much leaf cover you can maintain, while removing those that are goners. I had to defoliate several plants, they hung on for a while, but in the end it was a futile effort. Search my threads for Dead and Dying, I Fucked Up, there you'll get to see what a royal job I'd done.