fish for food good great or bad.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys a couple polls were telling me to through some fish in th blender and use as plant food! Also I'm being told to use birth control pills what do all of you think???
i have heard of the contraceptive pills work and also human urine and also human POOH lol
don't reckon i wanna try like just what i have heard lol:)
I'm not even going to open up a google window to check out birth control pills...that just sounds ridiculous...

Now fish chopped up...thatls a fish emulsion...and yes that is a fertilizer...but dear god man the stink!
I've heard of guys using birthcontol pills for extra female hormones don't know if it works or not .. maybe just an old wives tale lol ... and ya fish is a fert ..but would i use it .. um no
it just sounds like "yo dog, I put birth control pills in yo plant to keep her from giving birth" or something...not trying to troll or anything...i'm just declaring shenanigans now :D
But i can blend up the fish and just pour it in the dirt once or twice a month it will do good yeah?

It will most definately smell like shit...and thats pretty concentrated stuff...It's best to mix it with other organic materials, or you could make a "tea" from it...but its still going to smell horrible lol
I'm not even going to open up a google window to check out birth control pills...that just sounds ridiculous...

Now fish chopped up...thatls a fish emulsion...and yes that is a fertilizer...but dear god man the stink!

no carbon filter needed :D and you will find less friends will visit.
You must be single dude. Home made fish emulsion... in your house? Why don't you just buy some prepared commercial stuff? They even have product that doesn't stink. I am curious as to what the nutrient percentages are in a chemical breakdown. Is your lady getting everything she needs? Again though, in your house? You must be smoking!