Fish Geeks--UNITE!


Well-Known Member
I just set up my new 25 gallon tank this weekend and I am glad I stumbled across this thread you guys have inspired me and once I get it all together I will put some pics up


Well-Known Member
well I know I want a fire eel, probably a crab, then I will let the rest of the house come up with suggestions on what they want.......


Well-Known Member
25gals. is pretty small. I also like tire-track eels. If you just let us know what else you're looking at then it's a little easier to advise on the mix.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty open on it it has been awhile since I messed with a fish tank so no salt as of right now but if it is like my other hobbies soon enough I will have a 100 gallon tank with god only know what in it