Fish info

Like we were talkin about earlier in this thread...animals are attracted to smell of fish. so use live traps. so far mine have caught nothing and my plants havent been disturbed at all so......
I have found burying the smelly ferts deep enough and proper mulching keeps fish loving animals from smelling it well enough. I have healthy populations of foxes, skunks and racoons near my geurrilla grows and they havent dug up more than a couple over the years. I use alot of seaweed emultion throughout the grow and have never noticed it attract any pesky wildlife.
i know this thread is old but... what about puting like 1 med. sized bullgill like 3 inchs from the bottom of a 5 gal. bucket b4 filling it and then planting the 3-4 in. plants on the top? they would not be transplanted at all so figure in there till flowering is done bout about 3-4 months in the bucket. plants will be outside in holes but in the bucket.. u think the plants would benifit? anyone try this b4 thx hope to get sum advice...
i know this thread is old but... what about puting like 1 med. sized bullgill like 3 inchs from the bottom of a 5 gal. bucket b4 filling it and then planting the 3-4 in. plants on the top? they would not be transplanted at all so figure in there till flowering is done bout about 3-4 months in the bucket. plants will be outside in holes but in the bucket.. u think the plants would benifit? anyone try this b4 thx hope to get sum advice...

never done it in a pot but it would work ok,give it a go in one pot and put none in another and see if there is any noticeable differance at the end of the season...
i'll have to try it in a few and see wut happens thx for the input ne other suggestions/thoughts???
dead fish and mollases are really good ways to attract all kinds of critters like rats and mice that will chew your plant down by the stalk your better off dilluting some ferts in water not unless your trying to go organic then just by organic ferts.
Well i had to wait on the tranplant. im almost for sure doin it monday. i need some more pots cuz i figured on some deing off so im gonna get 10 more but get 20 gal instead of 15. the plants are lookin SO good every single one is beautiful and iwhen i took them in today out of the rain they have started smelling up my house! its goin to be a good season
How bigs a "mid size" blue gill for you?

im thinking bout ne where from 3-4 ins. i don't want to over nute or it to cuasing ne prob to the plants... as for critters... eh... but i mean like go catch a couple that sixe put rocks 1 in. layer bottom... then like 2 in. dirt then 1 fish per bucket then the rest of the mix then plants are about 3 ins. tall as we speak(started indoors cfl..) i'd w8 longer but situtaion requires fast transplant..(long story but just to playing it safe) so main question u think the fish would be ready for the plant by the time the roots get down there?

never grew in 5 gal. pails b4 usualy just throw them in the ground and let them go

the soil in the bucket will prolly be sumthing like this

- 1 in.layer rocks on bottom
- 2 in. mix
- 1 med fish on bottom
- rest mix witha a few rocks througout(drainage)

- rocks
- orgainc compost
- sum good black sandy top soil( worms included free!!! its gotta be dec if they're there) :D
- sum pure sand(dunno yet will proly use if i need a lil xtra mix)
- sum spagmun peat moss
- and peralaite till it looks good( any ideas how much ina 5 gal pail?)
- and sum all purpose scotts flower and veg. continuos release 10-10-10
- proly sum wood ash too

oh what u guys think bout putting wild moss on the top of the soil? root rot around base maybe?

and with that fertilazer the 10-10-10 scotts long release u think i'll need to nute the plant at all? the fert says bout 2 months food so wut ya'll think?

well i think u could definatley put bigger or more fish in, im no expert though. thats a pretty small fish

i know but im gunna catch them mix the dirt and get the buckets rdy and just throw the flopping(if it still is) fish in the bottom and go on to finish the transplant so no time to decompose to its full but thats not what i am worried bout im worried about the fish not decomposing enough and maybe hurting the plant or am i just being to paranoid bout it hurting the plant?:roll:

thx for the info guys this ones for u :joint:


p.s. does the mix sound decent?
even if it hasn't decayed it will not hurt your plant.
it is actually very hard to hurt plants with any organic fert.

if you want chop the fish up into smaller pieces.
it is actually very hard to hurt plants with any organic fert.

if you want chop the fish up into smaller pieces.

thx for thr info man! i just dun wanna waste my time just to find out a that stupid fish killed my plants.. the smaller pieces might actually make it decay faster... it'll proly be a good lil source of N come late summer/fall i hope

O i see. ok then ill just keep on doin what i have been. for transplanting do i want the soil REALLY wet?

i usually w8 til its pretty dry if its a small pot thr ground seems to stick batter u just need to be careful not to break the dirt but my plants usually havea good root system b4 i transplant. this is what i do... so dryer ground, switch them, then kind flood the planter twice and let the plant drain good and usually minimal stress if ne for me but thats the way i do it hope this helps

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