Well-Known Member
Like we were talkin about earlier in this thread...animals are attracted to smell of fish. so use live traps. so far mine have caught nothing and my plants havent been disturbed at all so......
i know this thread is old but... what about puting like 1 med. sized bullgill like 3 inchs from the bottom of a 5 gal. bucket b4 filling it and then planting the 3-4 in. plants on the top? they would not be transplanted at all so figure in there till flowering is done bout about 3-4 months in the bucket. plants will be outside in holes but in the bucket.. u think the plants would benifit? anyone try this b4 thx hope to get sum advice...
How bigs a "mid size" blue gill for you?
well i think u could definatley put bigger or more fish in, im no expert though. thats a pretty small fish
it is actually very hard to hurt plants with any organic fert.
if you want chop the fish up into smaller pieces.
Woops lol ive been throwin whole fish in my holes. il doce it for the remainder of them
O i see. ok then ill just keep on doin what i have been. for transplanting do i want the soil REALLY wet?