Fish On!


Virtually Unknown Member
You guys are killing me here. If it hits 45 I'm going out tomorrow!
I went, I fished, I conquered. 2lb something LM within 15 min. First time out and didn't get skunked. Been to this pond many times. Before I left, rolled a "special" hash joint. Pond is 20 minutes from where I live. Smoked on way. So high, almost drove past entrance, had to slam on the brakes. Always catch and release, but this one was so solid and cold, I was tempted to take him. Didn't. Great way to start season.


Well-Known Member
so has spring sprung? lol i went friday and got a 4 1/2lb bass and about 30 crappie in about 1 1/2 hours got to love early spring fishing, no tree's are blooming here yet but the fish are 005.jpgfish 006.jpg all the crappie were that size or better..note the color of the water in the pic.. they were biting in the 3-6'' that was kinda clear so a grub and a bobber set to 6'' and they slammed it.. just cause the water is chocolate dont mean they wont bite..


Well-Known Member
I thought bass was closed till april 15 and then it's catch and immediate release? gotta go find my dnr booklet. wish I could get out tomorrow but got the whole easter family visit stuff.


Virtually Unknown Member
For all you muskie fisherman out there, this month's In-Fisherman has a great article about monster muskies including the 60" giant, caught in the St Lawrence 2 years ago. Great Pics of these bad boys.

Also if you're into western guns or military weapons, check out the online catalog from Rock Island. I could never hope to bid on some of these magnificent pieces but they are nice to look out. Great WW2 stuff.


Well-Known Member
so i have to show this one in a lifetime catch. it may show up in the wrong order so look close to see the baitimage001[1].jpgimage002[1].jpgimage003[1].jpg how about that for a fish tale lmfao..