Fish tank water as fertilizer


Hi guys! Im a newbie at growing and i've learned alot about you guys thats why i created an account here. I was wondering if i could use my aquarium water as liquid fertilizer for my plants? Well the aquarium water contains fish stool so i've searched and found out that it works for some people and i want to know if its specifically good for weed. Thanks! :)
yes. it does work. but dilute it to 1/2 strength with pure water, then add some ferts. i say this cuz fish poo/pee contain ammonia, not so great for a plant your gonna smoke, probably taste/smell like pee

also, make sure its tropical fish, not african cichlids (contains some salt content, and lower pH) or saltwater.
basically, as long as theres no coral / lavarock in the water, your probably good
Better off using clean water, not old water with fish turds/pathogens in it. If you want fish get some treated fish emulsion
do some research on aquaponics. Pretty amazing stuff. your local grow store probly has a setup running in their store.