today my friends fish died and he didnt know what to do with is so i told him to throw that fishy covered a little under his soil. i heard fish under the soil of where ur plant is gives it a lot of nutrients. its just a little gold fish about an inch. i was wonderin if i had like a fish tank around with no pumps only changed the water every 2 days and a fish dies if i can just poor the water along with the fish into the pot. will the water be to nasty or would if have nutrients too? thnx
As an owner of a saltwater tank, you will find that it will be more trouble than its worth. There is a science to a fish tank as well. Just changing the water every two days is not going to do you any good. In order to get the nutrients you are wanting, you will need a tank that is established. Meaning, you must run a tank through a cycle. It goes from Ammonia > nitrate > nitrite. After that, you have a properly set up tank with all the good bacteria in the water. Then you will need healthy fish, so that they can keep contributing to that cycle and keep it going. You are looking at 2 to 3 months minimum in order for there to be even enough nutrients in the water to do what you are wanting. I know eventually your going to ask if you can just use fishtank water to water your plants if you learn the biology of a fish tank. Just dont set up a saltwater tank though if that becomes your intention.
Just throwing a fish in a bowl of water and wait for it to die is cruel. If that is what you are seeking, just go get a bunch of feeder fish and kill them. But thats still not right. Besides, if your going to put a fish in a bowl without pumps and filters, why even bother changing the water?
Now if you want to set up a fish tank for the right reasons and get it going, then when a fish dies, then so be it, feed it to the plants. But fishtanks done properly take just as much patience as growing does. Oh yeah, did I mention PH plays a big role in a tank, consider that when adding it to your plants.
Smoking a bowl, sitting back and watching your fish swim around is pretty relaxing, why would you want to kill it.