Fist LED grow


Well-Known Member
Slip, what's your guess on plant size or time period to transplant from one to three gallon? I was looking at the pic above trying to get an idea of what I'm looking for when I do mine for the first time. Thx


Well-Known Member
I rem seing yr plants in veg slipon......very impressed with yr led grow.....realy nice buds bro


Well-Known Member
day 7/1

made a few tweaks in there, first of all, a good clean up, and moved it around for better space (for me) still like to do a few things different, but as most probably know,
time fly by in there, and most of this weekend have already been used on harvest and cleaning and moveing around plant, mixing soil`s and do repotting aso aso :o need some quality time bongsmilie before work next week, but summer vacation (3 week`s) is coming up next month, so I plan on making a lot of changes by then


got both the clone and hempy bucket in there yesterday, so its there first day of 12/12 you could say

other one have been in there nearly a week and show some good stretching/filling out, still need a few smaller "issues" corrected, size of the plant and rate of growth did take me a bit by surprise, so trying to correct a slightly light green new growth, LEDs do make my plants explode from the T5HOs, 12/12 do of course help, actually run it 11,5/12,5 as I ended last run with this, and the CFLs only run the last 6 hours where its cooler/sun on the other side of the house, run it at day time now with the LEDs and summer is here, so do reach 82-84F mid day, so no need to turn em on before, just run em for a bit of side lightning anyway (also a place I want to do some work in my vacation)


Well-Known Member
Great pics as usual, the plants looks very healthy indeed.
Have you ever thought of doing a hempy under the LED's?


Well-Known Member
the plant in front on the left is in a hempy bucket, sort of, in clay pellets, if you look close you can see its in a 5kg purple bucket (from plagron)

do pretty good for now, I had no perlite so there for the clay/stones and I have no PH or ECC meter, and I use tap water, so its have been a bit finding the right spot so to speak

use GH bloom/micro and a bit of H2O2 and a ml of PH down per gallon of water, work for now, had some minor tip burns early on but thats all ..


Well-Known Member
Yes I see the bucket you speak of.
Clay pellets work equally as well as the perlite.
Are you expecting a higher yield from that plant?


Well-Known Member
nahh Im happy if I can keep her healthy to the end, more of a experiment and for the fun of it, as long as the final total yield cover my needs Im happy


Well-Known Member
Lookin good bro, as always. Lovin the harvest pics. You really pulled off what I would call an impressive yield off of your first led, congrats on that. I really want to find a nice led rig and see what i can pull from it. Take it easy brother see you around.


Well-Known Member
day 9/3


not much to report, summer is here with +80F outdoors, Im just happy I have LEDs and still have acceptable 84F under the LEDs

also weight the other plant, the "good" Pheno, did look amazing and the two biggest Bud`s was also to heavy to weigh on my old 10g standard hand weight, but all in all I couldn't get it up on more then 56 grams in total, so not as compact as the other plant/kind of Pheno but still like 128 grams in 55 days with 288W, not bad but Im sure it can be done better, lets see, its enough for lil ol me, two grams a day is my normal use, not much to trow around or smoke in the weekends, but 4 oz was my minimum goal and I did reach it and a bit so Im happy, Ooh yea and I also have like 20 grams of of trimming, guess I can get a few grams of oil out of that as well


Well-Known Member
How many plants did you have in your last grow to hit 128 grams?

This is my favorite pic from your last grow. If the fan wasn't in there you would think
someone was growing on Jupiter.

Those containers are already out of this world, add the purple cast from LEDS, it's bud for a Intergalactic Kegger!



Well-Known Member
Looks and sounds good over there Slipon. Glad to hear you hit your goal, and a little.:clap: Looks like the next round is ready and willing. Try not to smoke too much oil brother, not trying to sound like your mom or anything. I like dry ice hash myself and then pressing it. No chemicals. How's the hempy bucket working for you, you likin it or is it more trouble, or pretty much the same? Just wondering and you always give good no B.S. reports on stuff and just kind of tell it how it is. Hope everything is sunny where you are or at least the stars are out, Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Looks and sounds good over there Slipon. Glad to hear you hit your goal, and a little.:clap: Looks like the next round is ready and willing. Try not to smoke too much oil brother, not trying to sound like your mom or anything. I like dry ice hash myself and then pressing it. No chemicals. How's the hempy bucket working for you, you likin it or is it more trouble, or pretty much the same? Just wondering and you always give good no B.S. reports on stuff and just kind of tell it how it is. Hope everything is sunny where you are or at least the stars are out, Peace out.
yep every thing is top $ also the hempy bucket, seem like I have dialed in how many ML PH down it take in a 2L soda bottle (5ML) and how much bloom/micro I have to add (lucas formula) so look nice and green and healthy, been topped once and have 4 top`s, have notice I now have to water every other day, instead of 2 times a week, but no big surprise as its begun its stretch, hope I can keep her happy, every time I water Im at risk of messing it up :D did twice, early on I had some slight tip burns, and a few weeks ago Im sure my PH was a bit off (leave`s showed signs) so I made a water change agin the next day and all have been dandy since then


Well-Known Member
How many plants did you have in your last grow to hit 128 grams?

This is my favorite pic from your last grow. If the fan wasn't in there you would think
someone was growing on Jupiter.

Those containers are already out of this world, add the purple cast from LEDS, it's bud for a Intergalactic Kegger!

lol yea I know what you mean, I like the purple light, much better then to look in to the 600W HPS, the air pot I don't have much to say about, its a pot that can keep the soil in, but also let some water out the top when you water ! I like my square pot`s better, with good drain holes in the BOTTOM and some light soil

and I did only grow them two got 72g from the biggest one with 7-8 weeks of veg and 56g from the smaller one with 5-6 weeks of veg, I guess averages but quality is in top and I have what I need, you know only 7 weeks until harvest ;)


Well-Known Member
day 13/7 and some small Veg plants getting ready to take over in 5-6 week`s, both been FIM`d one reacted positive with 4 top`s other one I still dunno, think it just recovered and keeps growing, might have to repeat it, Ill try to top each of the 4 main shoots on the other one, once they had a bit of grow on em



Well-Known Member
From the second node up those plants look like carbon copies of each other, very stable genetics. Lookin good Slipon. Peace out