fisting older women

I used to have a red heeler dog (mid size, 45-50 lbs) wonderful happy guy, would run up to me stand on hind legs and front legs out stretched so the paws would hit my belly as a happy greeting. Sometimes he missed and hit lower. Take me now Jesus
New yorkie regularly steps on hubby's jewels. I'm sure it's not planned LOL he's a naturally great little dog all 10.5 lbs of him.
There was one .gif of this Asian chick fisting another Asian chick, and moving her hand around way the F up in her abdomen. It was kinda disturbing, i never got the whole fisting thing, I've always been like
Hi see4 ... it's going well! My 17-year-old boy has secured summer employment and is learning the basics of his own money!

How 'bout in your neck?

Better now than never, right! Good for him.

My neck ain't too bad. Hot as Treachery down here, my garden is dead, but looking forward to growing in September.

Built a 308 sniper rifle, 3" groupings at 400+ yds, on factory ammo!! Looking forward to building a nice load and getting those groupings tighter.
Better now than never, right! Good for him.

My neck ain't too bad. Hot as Treachery down here, my garden is dead, but looking forward to growing in September.

Built a 308 sniper rifle, 3" groupings at 400+ yds, on factory ammo!! Looking forward to building a nice load and getting those groupings tighter.
Shoguns are for blind gun enthusiasts.

I need to get me a pump action.