Five Cops Held Down Tyjuan Hill, a Sixth Shot Him in the Back of the Head

As we all know, Uncle Buck creates endless sock puppets, some of them women of which you have absolutely no problem.

I am not the hypocrite.

Anyone has the ability to create alternate accounts, it is not exactly a specialized skill.

Are you butthurt simply because he trolled you?
Not at all butthurt, just don't fuck with snitches nor racist fucks. Does UB have a sockpuppet account that spouts racist bullshit ? You know the answer to that is no. If he did have a racist account you would like the fuck out of it, because that's what a failure like you do
Does not the story revolve around him not being able to pull his gun ? or, Is the gun imaginary still after all the years ?
Oh, you meant the cop side of the story. Why didn't you say so. I especially like the part where 5 of them couldn't hold down a 140 pound man, and he somehow got to his knees, reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun pointed it at one of them (with 5 guys on top of him). That part, I will admit, kinda made me chuckle. What was your favorite part?
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Oh, you meant the cop side of the story. Why didn't you say so. I especially like the part where 5 of them couldn't hold down a 140 pound man, and he somehow got to his knees, reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun pointed it at one of them (with 5 guys on top of him). That part, I will admit, kinda made me chuckle. What was your favorite part?

When I found out it was just another street thug carrying an illegal gun. Doesn`t bother me as much .
Even with 5, supposedly professionally trained, grown men with guns holding him down after he's been pepper sprayed 2 or 3 times, right?
A lot of cops are fat and out of shape as well as many female cops which are fairly weak on average. This little black guy could have been one of Bruce Lee's bastard children. Lol
Even with 5, supposedly professionally trained, grown men with guns holding him down after he's been pepper sprayed 2 or 3 times, right?

Yet he was still resisting arrest. Go figure. At that point they must have figured he was crazy and since he was still reaching for a gun with 5 guys on top of him after being pepper sprayed 2 or 3 times they shot him in the head.

His ACTIONS killed him.