Five Eyes

Texas has independence on their power grid. How is that working?

My point was individuals can and should have small or micro power generation capability. Texas is larger than many countries.
Texas has almost 30 million people and a lot of sunshine.

More independent and smallish cooperative power generation projects, coupled with more efficient uses of power would solve the problem.

Reminds me of a conversation I had with a relative a few years back. There had been a big storm and she called me to see if "we had power". After a short pause, she remembered I wasn't on the grid and off course I had power.

Independence, isn't a governmental thing, it's a human thing. Stop being such a citizen and waiting for nanny to solve your problems.
My point was individuals can and should have small or micro power generation capability. Texas is larger than many countries.
Texas has almost 30 million people and a lot of sunshine.

More independent and smallish cooperative power generation projects, coupled with more efficient uses of power would solve the problem.

Reminds me of a conversation I had with a relative a few years back. There had been a big storm and she called me to see if "we had power". After a short pause, she remembered I wasn't on the grid and off course I had power.

Independence, isn't a governmental thing, it's a human thing. Stop being such a citizen and waiting for nanny to solve your problems.
Would be a great federal government initiative. Because not everyone has the money to pay for the infrastructure up front.
Five Eyes ‘an axis of white supremacy’
provocative editorial by the nationalistic Global Times — headlined “Five Eyes today’s axis of white supremacy” — said Canada, Britain and Australia were taking co-ordinated action against China. “They have formed a US-centred, racist, and mafia-styled community, wilfully and arrogantly provoking China and trying to consolidate their hegemony as all gangsters do,” the tabloid wrote.
