Relax i've split em a thousand times (mostly tieing them down, but ive dropped things on them as well) and i've never lost a single branch. You can fix it with almost anything like tape, bread bag ties, ect. If you have some clonex handy then apply a small amount in the open wound and it seems to heal faster. It also may not heal and make a "knot" at all, especially this late in flower. I've also had it stay split open many times, but both halves still live anyway. It is alot tougher plant than most think, so relax you'll be fine.SSSSHHHHHIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!!! Just gave the ladies a water change & put my carbon filter up, stupidly i put the filter up after i put the girls back in the room & dropped it on my double header!!! The consiquences of my stupidity were that i split the lovely little lady straight down the middle of the stem & crushed one of the branches which i had just bent over anyway experimenting with the super crop method, thinking that would be the perfect plant to try this method out as i would be able to see any genuin difference easier? I have taped her back together & fingers crossed she will be ok, has anybody else done anything silly like this & has everything turned out ok or have i just fucked my prized possesion? HELP!!