Fixing to do a PC setup, need advice on a few things x:


Active Member
Hey all :D, im about to start my second batch ever and the PC setup looks extremely appealing to me. There's a few things i was wondering about, though.

First, are there certain strains that naturally grow shorter? I dont understand how even in a full tower, people keep their plants itty bitty.

Second, lighting. I was thinking of doing LED's, because of the power usage. However, whats the growing difference between LEDs/HID? Would HID offer me shorter plants? Also atm im using t12 florys, how much more electricity would a HID use vs 4 6ft flourys?

My last question is regarding my grow medium, is there a generally used grow medium that just naturally fits in stealth set ups?

thanks so much(:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about HID lights with a PC grow. You wouldn't be able to fit the ballast in there with the plants lol. The traditional PC grow is done with CFL bulbs up at the top, either in a strip or on Y connectors. I am not sure about how LED would work because I know very little about them.

Indica strains are shorter. You can keep the plants short by topping/FIMing them and doing 12/12 light from seed. That forces the plant to flower as soon as the plant can flower and keeps it as small as possible.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about HID lights with a PC grow. You wouldn't be able to fit the ballast in there with the plants lol. The traditional PC grow is done with CFL bulbs up at the top, either in a strip or on Y connectors. I am not sure about how LED would work because I know very little about them.

Indica strains are shorter. You can keep the plants short by topping/FIMing them and doing 12/12 light from seed. That forces the plant to flower as soon as the plant can flower and keeps it as small as possible.

When you order seeds online, is it safe to use your own address? And what would be a easy to grow strain I could start with?

Also I'm using a full servo tower so I should be able to fit a HID bulb pretty easily I think?


Well-Known Member
When you order seeds online, is it safe to use your own address? And what would be a easy to grow strain I could start with?

Also I'm using a full servo tower so I should be able to fit a HID bulb pretty easily I think?

Im sure you could fit a HID in there, but the light will still be to close to the plant. 150 HPS you want to keep like 2-3 feet away from the plant, so you wouldn't really be able to use it.

As for seeds, I am unsure about ordering them online. I just grow bag seed, so hopefully someone else can help you out with that question.