Fk off, and die someplace else

Mexico is a beautiful county and very friendly and giving people by nature. The migrants already know their language for the most part so naturally Mexico would make an excellent safe haven for them.

I don't understand what is wrong with Mexico? American's travel there frequently for holiday and retire in Mexico. So the simple solution is for them stay in Mexico and ask the Mexican gov't for asylum .

Also closer for their families to travel and visit from Central America. This would solve all or most of their problems.

the more you trumpers talk, the more immigrants and refugees i want to let in

TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — Packed into five old school buses, hundreds of Central American migrants arrived at the U.S. border Sunday for a rally, to be followed by a planned mass attempt to apply for asylum in a direct challenge to the Trump administration.

The migrants, many traveling with children, left a downtown Tijuana shelter where they had been staying. Police with flashing lights escorted the buses to a cross-border rally at a Pacific Ocean beach, with supporters gathering on both sides of security fencing.

Asked how he felt as he boarded the bus, Nefi Hernandez of Honduras replied, "Nervous." He said he intended to seek asylum with his wife and baby daughter, who was born on the journey through Mexico.

President Donald Trump and members of his Cabinet have been tracking the caravan of migrants, calling it a threat to the U.S. since it started March 25 in the Mexican city of Tapachula, near the Guatemala border.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called the caravan "a deliberate attempt to undermine our laws and overwhelm our system,"

The arrival at San Diego's San Ysidro border crossing, the nation's busiest, marked the end of a month long journey by foot, freight train and bus for the migrants, many of whom said they feared for their lives in their violence-wracked home countries.

What to do?

These poor bastards are fucked, because they picked the wrong time in history (again) to show up at a US border to ask for help in saving their miserable lives (see above link)

You see, there is no mercy in Trump or his supporters, and their Christian monologue of treat thy neighbor as thyself, means absolutely nothing to them, because deep down inside (not that deep actually) they are racist, xenophobic cocksuckers that live in a nightmare world of fear.

Vote come November, and send every Republican back too where they really belong, and that is fucking hell.
Wouldn’t the fact that they now reside in Mexico disqualify them from applying for asylum?
I agree with that sentiment, but view it as more pertinent on a personal decision level as opposed to a macro level of imposed "choice" by an overarching authority who claims dominion over everybody.

Which is a fancy way of saying, individuals who want to help others, should, individuals who don't, shouldn't.
So we should abolish taxes?
So we should abolish taxes?

There are more effective and just ways of getting things done. If something is effective, but unjust, it probably shouldn't be done.

Forcible confiscation of other peoples labor and property is theft, isn't it?
Mexico is a beautiful county and very friendly and giving people by nature. The migrants already know their language for the most part so naturally Mexico would make an excellent safe haven for them.


"I don't understand what is wrong with Mexico? American's travel there frequently for holiday and retire in Mexico. "

Rich Americans travel and retire in the wealthy areas of Mexico.

Most of Mexico is extremely dangerous. Don't travel at night, don't go off toll roads, etc. The Cartel literally runs the Country. The drug running and related violence are at an all time high, previous decades have nothing on the amount of current danger. My buddy whose 2 parents still don't speak much English moved here before my buddy was born. He asks how it is where they were from, he wants to visit, etc. and his pops response is literally " It's horrible. Do not ever, ever go back. We are so thankful to be here. Promise me you will never go there"

TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — Packed into five old school buses, hundreds of Central American migrants arrived at the U.S. border Sunday for a rally, to be followed by a planned mass attempt to apply for asylum in a direct challenge to the Trump administration.

The migrants, many traveling with children, left a downtown Tijuana shelter where they had been staying. Police with flashing lights escorted the buses to a cross-border rally at a Pacific Ocean beach, with supporters gathering on both sides of security fencing.

Asked how he felt as he boarded the bus, Nefi Hernandez of Honduras replied, "Nervous." He said he intended to seek asylum with his wife and baby daughter, who was born on the journey through Mexico.

President Donald Trump and members of his Cabinet have been tracking the caravan of migrants, calling it a threat to the U.S. since it started March 25 in the Mexican city of Tapachula, near the Guatemala border.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called the caravan "a deliberate attempt to undermine our laws and overwhelm our system,"

The arrival at San Diego's San Ysidro border crossing, the nation's busiest, marked the end of a month long journey by foot, freight train and bus for the migrants, many of whom said they feared for their lives in their violence-wracked home countries.

What to do?

These poor bastards are fucked, because they picked the wrong time in history (again) to show up at a US border to ask for help in saving their miserable lives (see above link)

You see, there is no mercy in Trump or his supporters, and their Christian monologue of treat thy neighbor as thyself, means absolutely nothing to them, because deep down inside (not that deep actually) they are racist, xenophobic cocksuckers that live in a nightmare world of fear.

Vote come November, and send every Republican back too where they really belong, and that is fucking hell.

From Saturday 4/28/18 rally:

Schuylaar has upgraded her diagnoses of Malignant Narcissism to include a disassociative personality disorder.

His spin amazes me after all this time about the wall.

What a snake oil salesman..look at how he intro’s it..nobody is clapping until ‘guest worker’ ‘leaves’.
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So a single mother with three kids is going to put more into the economy then she takes from it?

Get real. Use your brain not your feelings.

You would do a horrible job running a company.

You do understand how many billions they pay in taxes that they never benefit from? Right?
The US nor it's broke Citizens are in any posistion to take in scores of Migrants. That isn't how it works. They can go through the Legal requirements like everyone else.

i bet, if you took you're own citizens test, you'd fail. Hard.

I'd fail mine.. but I'm in Canada and don't have to deal with USA and y'all bs lmfao
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There are more effective and just ways of getting things done. If something is effective, but unjust, it probably shouldn't be done.

Forcible confiscation of other peoples labor and property is theft, isn't it?
It’s not theft because they can’t take taxes from you unless you agree to it
Nope, not that I have much contact with many Mexicans, but the one's that I do (just got back from Mexico), say he (Trump) is a spawn of Satan, and over a couple of Dos Eques and a few shots of Patron, I had too agree wholeheartedly and apologize, explaining he is not the true face of America, only a minority (popular vote) of fucking assholes that have their heads up their asses, and do not speak for the MAJORITY of Americans, not some fucked up assholes that think their existence is threatened by refugees from Central America.

Yeah, It's Trumps fault Mexico is so corrupt it's basically a 3rd world Country.