I live in MA with some of the strictest controls in the country, and did the training and certification and checks that should be required of everyone, and i disagreed with none of them, hell no mentally ill people should not have guns or any other weapons, neither should children. We need to find a way to restrict acess to unfavorable characters without punishing law abiding citizens, and im interested in having that conversation
So that would mean what, exactly?
Here's some line items that I'd like to see
Set the objective to bring the US in line with other developed nations in terms of non-suicide fatalities by gunshots. Include accidents, murders, unintentional deaths by guns. We don't stop with simply enacting laws and be done with it. We continue to study and work on the problem until the objective is met. Perhaps repeal gun laws if studies show they are ineffective.
Some reasonable regulations put in place to restrict access to firearms for those who shouldn't have them. Such as,
- More than 3 days to complete background.
- Resources available to do the necessary background checks
- Funding to review the background checks database and correct errors or omissions.
- Eliminate loopholes that allow gun sales without background checks inluding the gun show loophole and waiving background checks for small private sales.
- Gun registration
- Licensing of gun owners that includes periodic training for safe use, storage and maintenance of guns as well as verify they understand current gun laws including when they may be used to kill somebody in self defense.
- Require guns in the home be locked up in a safe when not being used.
- Extra restrictions on the sale of some kinds of guns.
- Tracking gun sales to help law enforcement know whether or not the owner purchased the gun legally.
- Stiff penalties for owning an unregistered gun or making an unregistered sale.
- Restrict the sale of ammunition only to licensed gun owners
- Repeal stand your ground laws like the one in Florida.
There is probably more but that's a start.
Personally, I don't think we need to invent the wheel. Canada already has good gun regulations whith good results. If we can pattern our system after theirs it would save a lot of guesswork and shorten the time when we should see results.