FL Joins the list of states voting on MMJ this November

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Nah, they just want to have their liquor. MMJ are for those other people, you know the trouble makers.

I'm quickly getting old and I see these old farts and think... You're ruining it for me. I want to live in Fla, but not without weed.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member

Dude, epcot?

Food there is BOMB, and was plentiful when I went there last year.. Like all you can eat chinese for like 10 bucks

I'd love to drop some lucy, or get high as balls and explore over there.. plus the huge lake is sweet


Well-Known Member

Dude, epcot?

Food there is BOMB, and was plentiful when I went there last year.. Like all you can eat chinese for like 10 bucks

I'd love to drop some lucy, or get high as balls and explore over there.. plus the huge lake is sweet
Fuck epcot and Fuck test track, I almost DIED on that ride. They literally begged me not to try to pursue anything in court. But thats a story for another time...

Anyways as nice and fucking stress relieving it would be for me to have MMJ here, its not gonna happen. There is just to many old republican types here that would just shit sideways if that ever happend. You can damn sure believe im gonna do any damn thing i can to swing this thing in our favor, but im not gonna hold my breathe -_-

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
They already are:
Florida medical practitioners purchased more oxycodone pills in the first six months of 2010 than did health care practitioners in all other states combined.
41.3 million
1 million

Yeah, they'd rather have the sketchy doctor on the corner "prescribing" pain meds.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
They already are:
Florida medical practitioners purchased more oxycodone pills in the first six months of 2010 than did health care practitioners in all other states combined.
41.3 million
1 million
Dosen't surprise me my parents live in FLA, HUDGE painkiller problem down there, i hear meth is getting bad too.


Well-Known Member
We have a serious pharmaceutical problem here in Florida. I find it hard to believe that big pharma won't throw a lot of money at this to campaign against it. They stand to lose billions if MMJ is enacted here.