Flat leaf stems and discoloured bud tips?


New Member
So my g13 haze girls look like they might be running into a problem during flowering stage. I've noticed they have been budding real slow and have started to grow flat stem leaves. I also noticed some discoloration on the tips of the bud.
Is this normal? Photo attached



Well-Known Member
What have you been feeding them? Too much nutes going into flower can stunt bud growth.


Well-Known Member
How do I get rid off it?
Honestly..IMO.. Pull it. Clean the grow room with bleach and plant another plant. Sometimes it's easier to start over then babying a sick plant. Besides, It's not smokable unless you want to get sick. You'd be smoking mold. It's not worth dealing with.

To prevent it next time. I'd use more fans in the grow space and reconsider the ventilation. Good air circulation helps to keep it from happening. Also think about humidity levels. Keep in mind some strains get sick easy.


Well-Known Member
I've grown this before. This strain is probably one of the best noob plant to grow. You can drive a car over this plant and it will be standing up straight the next day.

In saying that, the plant takes FOREVER to flower. It took me nearly 18 weeks. 14 is short for this plant. How many weeks are you flowering? It's a notorious slow flowering plant...SLOW!!!