I keep thinking on it and I can't remember a Chevy dealership, I know it was there just can't fucking place it. While I started to type this I remembered something. There was a store south of Wal Mart on Sheridan that sold books, magazines, video games, etc, so media. There was a guy in the entry way that shined shoes his name was Joe and drove around on a moped? Couldn't shine boots to save his ass.
I got one for ya that I just thought about. Back in the day I was informed of a Lawton Legend, Crazy Larry! Did you know of/remember him? He was a paint sniffer and from what I was told graduated to brake cleaner by a guy at O'Reilly's. He would ride around on a bike and his glasses had gold paint all over them.
I think it was 2001 or 2002 front page news that an African Monitor surfaced in the wild life refuge? I know the story behind that.
Wow man, sorry I am just sitting around bored and since meeting you,it brought up some memories!
Were you ever part of the car/bike scene? I brought my car down a couple months after I moved there. A 93 Mustang LX, Deep Forest Green, no badges but had a nasty 347 stroker, had a Michigan plate that said BADACTR.
As far as bikes I bought my 3rd and last motorcycle in Lawton. In 2002 at a place almost across from the tunnels, don't remember the dealership I picked up a 02 Kawasaki ZX-11. Kept that stock it was insane.
Ok I am going to stop for now.