Health update! I am fine but the doctor has me out of work until next Monday night just as a precaution. She even said if this was a year ago she would have allowed me to work. Anyways I went and snapped a few pictures.

Sundae Float. Shaping up nicely, hard to tell from the picture but they are getting a nice purple color.


Triple Whammy. Came so close to kicking these fuckers out of the tent a few times but glad I didn't.



Chill Factor. The first picture is the plant in the back left corner that I talked about some time ago. These I feel will take a bit longer.



And the little veg tent with ladies on stand by ready to go to the disco!


Thanks Bandit. Yeah man really never felt that bad, honestly am a bit pissed about the time off. But was out of my hands, my manager had to make a call and I support it. I know he did it to protect me and my coworkers and I still get paid, just feel bad about it, my team needs me. Yes I actually like my job!
Thanks @Buck5050! Even with the problems I've had with this strain I am happy with the outcome. Two plants and two phenos, the one in the second picture is quit large and is really looking like the picture the seed bank had. Its like a strawberry ice cream color.
Thanks @Buck5050! Even with the problems I've had with this strain I am happy with the outcome. Two plants and two phenos, the one in the second picture is quit large and is really looking like the picture the seed bank had. Its like a strawberry ice cream color.
Both shots show some amazing bud development. The second one though...unreal.
Disaster Struck - No pictures were taken due to the graphic nature of the event.

So, I just went in to feed the veg tent normal day, everything good on that front. Got the water ready for the flower tent, opened the door, and fuck.
My Sundae Float snapped a branch. I would say its about 85% torn from the main stalk. My inner George Clooney kicked on I grabbed a stake and tie up ribbon and gloves and went to work. I tried to tape it on the stalk but its kinda awkward and can't get it tight enough.

I think I am just going to cut it off and have a early sample. So pissed right now.
So I ended up cutting the broken branch off and got it hanging. I looked it over and no clear all cloudy with a random amber. So it should be worth something.

In other news from the seeds I started the other day I got 2 Ring Pops and 1 Pop Rocks out of soil. The couple Bananarama I dropped did nothing, oh well they were freebies and I got more to try at a later date. So to fill in the gap I dropped a couple Tropical Popsicle and a few more Ring Pops. So as it stands thats whats on deck for the next grow.
What years were you there? I worked at the Chevy Dealership from 1997-2007 on Sheridan Rd.
I was there then.... you remember the Dealership?.. it was PA Chevrolet or Aubrey Chevrolet.

I keep thinking on it and I can't remember a Chevy dealership, I know it was there just can't fucking place it. While I started to type this I remembered something. There was a store south of Wal Mart on Sheridan that sold books, magazines, video games, etc, so media. There was a guy in the entry way that shined shoes his name was Joe and drove around on a moped? Couldn't shine boots to save his ass.

I got one for ya that I just thought about. Back in the day I was informed of a Lawton Legend, Crazy Larry! Did you know of/remember him? He was a paint sniffer and from what I was told graduated to brake cleaner by a guy at O'Reilly's. He would ride around on a bike and his glasses had gold paint all over them.

I think it was 2001 or 2002 front page news that an African Monitor surfaced in the wild life refuge? I know the story behind that.

Wow man, sorry I am just sitting around bored and since meeting you,it brought up some memories!

Were you ever part of the car/bike scene? I brought my car down a couple months after I moved there. A 93 Mustang LX, Deep Forest Green, no badges but had a nasty 347 stroker, had a Michigan plate that said BADACTR.

As far as bikes I bought my 3rd and last motorcycle in Lawton. In 2002 at a place almost across from the tunnels, don't remember the dealership I picked up a 02 Kawasaki ZX-11. Kept that stock it was insane.

Ok I am going to stop for now.
I keep thinking on it and I can't remember a Chevy dealership, I know it was there just can't fucking place it. While I started to type this I remembered something. There was a store south of Wal Mart on Sheridan that sold books, magazines, video games, etc, so media. There was a guy in the entry way that shined shoes his name was Joe and drove around on a moped? Couldn't shine boots to save his ass.

I got one for ya that I just thought about. Back in the day I was informed of a Lawton Legend, Crazy Larry! Did you know of/remember him? He was a paint sniffer and from what I was told graduated to brake cleaner by a guy at O'Reilly's. He would ride around on a bike and his glasses had gold paint all over them.

I think it was 2001 or 2002 front page news that an African Monitor surfaced in the wild life refuge? I know the story behind that.

Wow man, sorry I am just sitting around bored and since meeting you,it brought up some memories!

Were you ever part of the car/bike scene? I brought my car down a couple months after I moved there. A 93 Mustang LX, Deep Forest Green, no badges but had a nasty 347 stroker, had a Michigan plate that said BADACTR.

As far as bikes I bought my 3rd and last motorcycle in Lawton. In 2002 at a place almost across from the tunnels, don't remember the dealership I picked up a 02 Kawasaki ZX-11. Kept that stock it was insane.

Ok I am going to stop for now.
The Chevrolet Dealership was right across from WalMart on Sheridan Rd. It has been there since the 50's. They sold the first Corvette there in 1953. It's now leveled and there's an Aldi's and some other eatery.

Crazy Larry!.. yeah!, we ran across him alot. He would wheel past the Dealership on his bike all gold faced HAHA!.. I think he's dead now.

I was a part of the motorcycle scene. I raced with the CMRA for about 10 years, I owned 2 Endurance Teams. We would race for 4-12 hours at a time at a number of tracks in OK, and TX. So, yeah, I bought a couple from the Yamaha place by the overpass on Cache rd. and I also bought a couple from the Kawasaki store as well across from the Tunnel. Can't remember that guys name,... Steve?, but they shut down along time ago.

We still go to the Refuge every now and then, and drive up Mt Scott. Since you know motorcycles... here's a little gem I have had in pieces for 18 years, and finally this past summer had it painted, and ordered some new parts, like a new carb, lenses, mirrors, etc. It's a fun little Scooter I like to take out on the countryside on a nice evening. 1973 Honda CL100 Scrablmer...I have the original Honda seat, but I thought this cafe' racer seat would look cool on it.... it's like riding a brick, so I put the original seat back on.


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Very nice bike man, as I mentioned somewhere I used to take that ZX-11 up and down I44 on nice nights and had a fucking blast. Honestly drove that more than my car while down there the weather was new to me. Plus the whole time the Mustang was there I had it on 10.5's and pizza cutters and ran into a couple problems with the law.:-D
Very nice bike man, as I mentioned somewhere I used to take that ZX-11 up and down I44 on nice nights and had a fucking blast. Honestly drove that more than my car while down there the weather was new to me. Plus the whole time the Mustang was there I had it on 10.5's and pizza cutters and ran into a couple problems with the law.:-D
.. those ZX11’s were scary fast!, hell even the 600’s were crazy fast back then. Last crotch rocket I had was a 2008 Triumph Daytona 955. I got a ticket on hwy 7 at 110mph in a 70, then went on to the Refuge 40 minutes later and got another ticket.. it was at that point I realized I should just stick to the track, and stay off the streets. I did own 4-5 Harleys after that, but it’s been 4-5 years since I’ve had one. People just don’t pay attention anymore. They’re too busy texting and driving. Had my fair share of close calls.
I hear ya when I divorced (04) and move back to Michigan in 05 got into a bit of trouble running the car on the streets of Detroit, lost my licenses and cost up the ying yang. I hung it all up, after sitting in the garage with only going to the strip once or twice a year I sold it in 14.

Yeah I wouldn't drive a bike on the road anymore, I too had some close calls.