This site is becoming a war of ego's ,He may have been growing years before he hit up this site ,I was growing long before i come on here ,But learnt a lot from here ,But learnt far more from Flowering every 8 week ,and vegging a long side of them.Back when i first seen this site,It was kinda thought of you never put what your doing if its illegal on the net ,Times have changed,And my mind set has,I see it has i'm doing nothing wrong even though i am in the Laws eyes. You can read all the Books you want but nothing will ever get you the knowledge of doing a few grows.Growing is not just a hobby ,not in my situation its a life choice,so you really have to think about that ,more so illegal growing.Because you can't trust any one ,Not even close friends,Friendships break down,Same with Girl Friends,Un less your gonna marry the bitch don't let her see your garden.You tube is a waste of time ,because one grower will tell you one method ,and then another grower another method,So stick to a method you have faith in ,I have used most methods ,But all ways gone back to Auto Pots ,Because there ease to use,Its not about the room looking sexy,Its about the final bud looking sexy.The only reason i use you tube is for music odd out door grow,like the mendo boys,and to see what the final bud looks like,i never follow any of there advice to many different views ,
Right Back to my Question Has any one ever done Silver Haze from CH9 Seeds,Super Haze,Its the only strain i can not find on you tube ,Now that is a first for me.The Brothers grimm Ch99 xxx
50/55 days of flower any one done either