Fleas in grow house!


Well-Known Member
I got two tents in a place and they got cats and a dog! The cats chill upstairs in a separate room next to the grow room. The past few times I’ve gone to check my plants I’ve had a bunch of tiny fleas jump on me. I plan to the the rooms and hallways and hopefully they clean there animals but what are the odds of fleas being in my soil or in my tents?
This is used SAFELY in all sorts of spaces where pets/critters are present. You just have to let it dry before they can re-enter the space.

You can get "Frontline" flea treatment for the cat/dog at most pet stores/ranch stores. It's a liquid you put on their shoulder. Like $15.

good luck.
This is used SAFELY in all sorts of spaces where pets/critters are present. You just have to let it dry before they can re-enter the space.

You can get "Frontline" flea treatment for the cat/dog at most pet stores/ranch stores. It's a liquid you put on their shoulder. Like $15.

good luck.
Thanks. There not my animals so I’ll pas the info along but I’ll put for them to be treated of course!?I’ll just come my vents to my tents when I clean the room for fleas! Can’t really move them from the tents.
>Everybody< has to get on the program (animal owners/etc.) to rid the space of the fookers. Our pets got em this year...first time ever here in Colorado. The faster you can act, the better. Best of luck.