Flight 93 on 911...No Major Plane Crashed Near Shanksville!

So your saying you could hear the people crashing the cart into the cockpit on the phone call, and it's probable that it was shot down? While the terrorists were trying to crash it?

yes either they tried to storm the cockpit and over take the terrorists and were succesful in breeching but the terrorists just nosed dived the plane before they were over taken

or its possible thier attempt to breach the cockpit failed and the us air force shot her down to prevent further carnage in washington dc where the plane was heading

or the other theory people have in here:wall: that it was huge conspirosy and those people supposedly on those planes were kidnaped all the calls made from the plane to loved ones was planted. meaning the orchestrator of this crazy complicated plot did everything right to the T but overlooked a suposed fact that u cant make calls from a plane?

then why stage such a thing its completly unessecary to include in the plan why make fake calls from the plane

leave the fact that there were witnessess who saw the plane crashing

if they were so smart why didnt the government not just take those planes and actaully crash them in said locations via remote control with all the passengers on there

i cant believe i am even having this conversation
well i know from personal experience, once you tell a lie, you ALWAYS have to tell a second one to cover up the first. "Snowball" EFFECT ALWAYS HAPPENS TILL YOU GET CAUGHT. if there lying we will catch them soon enough
Why don't you go? Or go to any other country that doesn't allow free speech or the right to question the actions of the government. Seem like you would be a lot happier in that kind of country since you can't handle questions and free speech.:clap:
May I ask what you are doing about it?
Well, except for posting here on RIU of course
just curious
May I ask what you are doing about it?
Well, except for posting here on RIU of course
just curious
I sent the nano thermite report to my reps and let them know if they don't do something about it they will be complicit in war crimes.
The elite fear a well informed public which is why I post information about 911.:mrgreen: The more it is talked about the more information is brought to light. It will help keep the war criminals from staging another false flag attack.
I sent the nano thermite report to my reps and let them know if they don't do something about it they will be complicit in war crimes.
The elite fear a well informed public which is why I post information about 911.:mrgreen: The more it is talked about the more information is brought to light. It will help keep the war criminals from staging another false flag attack.

you give people way to much credit. you know how many leaks there were in the bush adim? like the most ever in history

and your telling me he orchistrated this whole thing without a single leak?

its seems delisional
you give people way to much credit. you know how many leaks there were in the bush adim? like the most ever in history

and your telling me he orchistrated this whole thing without a single leak?

its seems delisional

If it were a false flag operation, then you can bet it wasn't orchestrated by Bush. He would have been merely a puppet on the stage. Someone else was pulling the strings.
If it were a false flag operation, then you can bet it wasn't orchestrated by Bush. He would have been merely a puppet on the stage. Someone else was pulling the strings.


and guess who?


I wonder if its possible that some of the inside job people are actually just being racist

like "oh a dumb arab and his chronies could not have beat us up like that."

sorry to tell you they did. look into that mans eyes. they do not lie my freinds.
Threads like this make me BELIEVE the studies linking marijuana use with an increased chance of schizophrenia in users.