Flint Water Supply

Didn't know that, not surprised though... I'm surprised you didn't hear about that River fiasco caused by the EPA . affected multiple states.


I'll read up on it.

Did you know the worst part of the ongoing disaster that is coal mining isn't the power plants themselves, it's coal mine fires! Once they get past a certain point there is no putting them out and they can burn for decades or longer. NO environmental controls at all, they just burn and spew everything. And yes, coal fired power production IS responsible because they provide the demand.

There are several I personally know of here in Colorado and hundreds more nationwide.
I have over 25 years of experience in the water treatment business for my state.
It is required to monitor for lead and copper every 3 years. Your sampling is determined by the population of the service area. But what I found was the rules the state and the EPA use allow for manipulation of the results If you collect a sample that, has a high result you don't include that in the final report......you just find a sample that has a lower result to include in your report to what ever agency you're reporting to and it's all completely legal. Luckily the water system I worked at for all those years had no lead and copper issues. The lead and copper testing began late 80's when it was found that new homes being built during the 80's and 90's were using copper water pipes and lead solder in the construction of new homes. It was determined that the copper pipes and the high lead content solder that was used were beginning to leach out the lead and copper into their homes . Leading the local, state and federal agencies to institute testing and setting parameters for those contaminates . We called these monitoring parameters MCL's ( MAXIMUM CONTAMINANT LEVEL ) Yes there are contaminates in your drinking water with allowable contaminates that the local water systems know are in your water but because the way the rules are written and enforced there isn't much that can be done to change the rules. The only thing that usually happens are the mcl's are decreased Which increases the cost of treating water. Which of course are passed on to the consumer. contaminates are being pumped out of every water treatment plant anywhere in the world to unsuspecting customers
And it's a shame .
I'm glad I have a well !
Time to put the soap box away !

Wells can be contaminated by all kinds of things from legionnaires disease to arsenic. Get your well tested, too.
Coal is dying. Killed by either oil or natural gas. Take your pick

It isn't dead yet and the Koch smokers have and spend billions to ensure it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

My pick is natural gas, fueling fuel cells which then provide power for everything from toasters to trains. This approach is MUCH more efficient and less polluting than burning hydrocarbons in an infernal combustible engine, whether that engine is in a locomotive or a Prius.
Wells can be contaminated by all kinds of things from legionnaires disease to arsenic. Get your well tested, too.
Believe me I've had my well tested multiple times over the years.....I recommend to everyone on wells to get their water tested you'd be surprised at what you can, get for free from your local health departments or from local WTP's
especially if there are young kids or elderly folks living there drinking the water !
Believe me I've had my well tested multiple times over the years.....I recommend to everyone on wells to get their water tested you'd be surprised at what you can, get for free from your local health departments or from local WTP's
especially if there are young kids or elderly folks living there drinking the water !

Didn't know that. How does one inquire about such a service? Do you just bring a water sample and they'll test it for you?
Didn't know that. How does one inquire about such a service? Do you just bring a water sample and they'll test it for you?
Just call your local health department and they'll tell you what they can do.....I know that when I ran water treatment plants I always ran tests on samples for people who brought them in who had wells that were in our system but not tied on to our system. I just thought it was the right thing to do. And it made for good community relations.I always felt good about the things we did to benefit those folks who needed help but didn't know where to go. I can say we thought everyone deserved safe water to drink .
No matter if they were one of our customers or just a family in our system who decided not to connect to our service lines. If you live in a agricultural area that is or was heavily farmed or near an old service station that had underground fuel tanks or in an industrial area you really need to have your well tested. But my recommendation is everyone on a well needs to get their well tested at least every 5 years . You might be surprised at what you find
i just heard bout this shit. sorry to those affected! if my kid died from lead poisoning, id torture these fucks!

It's the behavior disorders, learning disabilities and other health problems that will be these kid's lot in life from now on that cries out for justice and accountability.

Except of course they're black and poor, so it's okay if they get mistreated... o_O :cuss::wall:
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The latest news in the cover up. Schuette has named 2 lawyers for a "independent special counsel" to investigate the Flint water crisis and are you ready for the punch line,they are Snyder and Schuette campaign contributors and have business ties to them. Did anyone expect anything different?
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I don't know how these sleezy pricks sleep @ night. The worst part is you don't even know the full effects on children for decades.