I have a HUGE pile of composting horse shit that I know leaches into the area I plant to grow mine so I'm hoping that will feed mine throughout the grow. I had so much that I just filled this trailer 4 times to have a lot of it removed from the property. It is getting nice and dark, and was full of grubs, too.Yeah like catching pedophiles, @a2lute that is the plan, I don't suspect there's much nutrition in peat but I like the o2 bit, I agree set it and let it grow on it's own if it works great, if not then oh well.
42° North. I'm in Northeastern US.What latitude you at tree farmer?
Yes most normal people will not dare to go out on it, Thats why its a great spot to grow no lugging water just gotta hump bales of promix out there.Your in the soggy bottom stuff, that shit is creepy especially on the floating mat stuff. Remember driving the atv on it thinking am I going to disappear? I wondered how many animals were at the bottom, lol You in northern Canada or Scandinavia, elsewhere?
Easy way to make swamp tubes is to stack a couple fabric pots on top of each other and drive a couple stakes in to hold them down. Last time I did it i filled the bottom pot with limed peat moss and the top with good amended potting soil.
pretty sure I saw an episode of strain hunters where the natives built islands in the swamp. Maybe the Malawi episode?I've got a massive swamp by my house. No one goes there, especially into the cattails. Anyone ever heard of building a floating plant pot, unlimited access to water, no trees to shade out, private, just need some hip waders and a flotation device.