Flood and Drain Table Question

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I want to start doing flood and drain because I feel like I could get more this way and also im tired of huge pots of soil and spending money on good soil. Plus I have some ladies already line up to be future mothers. I wanted to do 50 clones every 3x3 table under a 1000w. Do you think this could get me near the 1.5-2+ mark? I was going to have a cycle every 30 days. Also do you guys think I would be able to keep the flowering clones 24" and under in this setup with keeping light extra close. With 50 clones I was going to flower straight from root.


I built a frame and use 1 meter trays with rockwool slabs with 4 inch cubes containing seedling sat on top of and whole thing draining into small half pipe and gravity fed into a reservoir. Works like a dream. And yes if you scrog your plants you'll be fine in keeping height down but 50 scrogged plants will need a huge room and major ventilation. You should be looking at about 4 scrogged plants per 600w light for max yield imo. or in your case 6 per 1000w bulb. But I would stick to 4 and 600w personally. Your kinda talking industrial scale with x50 plants in which case you should really know your shit. I'm not sure you do given the simplicity of the question you do.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I like flood and drain tables for the low maintenance but I don't get the yield like I can with big girls. I have never had a strain that would stay small. Even short indicas will end up taking sq/ft each even when flowered at 8-10" . Still, I'm sure there are guys getting a lb from a 3x3 tray. I play with 2x3 trays once in a while, usually 6 plants that get 2-2 1/2 ft high and about 2 zips each.


Active Member
You need alitlle more space to get over the 1.5#. Knowing the strain really helps in a SOG setup. I shoot for 4 plants per square.