2/3 fog 1/3 flood and drain hourly to wash the fog residue away from bottom of rail and feed heavy. Can't see why it won't work. I have two of everything running 15 on 15 off for failsafe and temperature issues. Anybody think it will work???
Sounds like a lot of work, must be single.
Actually I'm glad I have passive system reliable no power needed to water or feed....
Wicking allows roots access to H20 when needed, provides micro herd H20 as well, as they break down insoluble nutrients locked up in the rocks silt & clay making them soluble , that's everything from A to Z(nutrients and trace elements) not just in NPK, ALL readily available for plant consumption.
Whoever buys inorganic fertilizers is wasting their money and killing the microlife, that supports our ecosystem, they're a fool , a threat to the ecosystem, a tool in the hands of Monsanto.
Please check out...
Be part of the soil food web solution, not the problem...