

Well-Known Member
Aight so i am growing these 3 plants in cups. no holes in the bottom and it rained a ton. came to them and the cups were overflowing with water. the plants seemed very wilted. are they going to die or will they be fine just give them some time to get back to normal? basically im asking if a plant gets severely overwatered for a short amount of time is it going to die?


Well-Known Member
Pour out excess,let it sit and should be ok.Mine have flooded outside before from a downpour and they looked lil wore out next day but full day in sun they looked better than ever lol.
When you flush the roots they get a lot of water but not really submerged so as long as the roots aren't submerged for too long it shouldn't hurt.
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Well-Known Member
yea just don't water them yet obviously.. I've seen a few cases like this where the plants bounced right back and came out healthy, just take care of them


Well-Known Member
Have you put holes in the cups yet? Might help any further harm if it were to get too much water again.


Well-Known Member
we just transplanted them and they look really withered. also the first leaves that appear not the spiked ones but the oval shaped ones that start out are falling off. is that normal or or they taking a dive off the deep end?


Well-Known Member
sorry but the leaves look burnt and bugs are eating these mothertruckers up. usually when you transplant them do they take a while to get back to full strenght. Also the leaves thing is cool right?


Well-Known Member
Anytime they are shocked it can take some time.Just like when you have a cold.You know when it passes but you still don't feel 100% for a few days.

If you transplanted them into some new,good soil they will have transplant shock.Make sure the pot you have now has holes for drainage and use just enough water to moisten the new soil.Going from over watered to no watered wouldn't be good.

As for the lil sucker leaves they are fine if they fall off.The main leaves you need are the big fan leaves for solar ray absorption.

These plants are very resilient and can take alot of abuse.Look at all the different harsh climates it can grow in